name:Agnus Dei XI; office-part:Kyriale; mode:1; book:Graduale Romanum, 1961, p. 41* & The Liber Usualis, 1961, p. 48 & Graduale Romanum, 1974, p. 751 & Chants of the Church, 1956, p. 32 & Gregorian Missal, 1990, p. 116 & Liber cantualis, 1983, p. 51; transcriber:Andrew Hinkley; commentary:XIV. s.; %% (c4) A(de/fd)gnus(dc) De(cd)i,(d.) *(,) qui(e) tol(gh)lis(gvFE) pec(efg)cá(gvFE)ta(dc) mun(de~)di :(e.) (;) mi(e)se(gh)ré(g_[oh:h]d)re(fvED) no(cd)bis.(d.) (::) A(de)gnus(gh) De(ixhi)i,(h.) *(,) qui(ghG'F) tol(ede)lis(e.) pec(f)cá(g')ta(d) mun(fvE~D~)di :(c.) (;) mi(e)se(gh)ré(gf)re(e[ll:1]d) no(cd)bis.(d.) (::) A(de)gnus(gvFE') De(g)i,(h.) *(,) qui(hg) tol(j')lis(k) pec(jvIH)cá(ghf')ta(e) mun(de~)di :(evDC.) (;) do(e)na(gh) no(fg)bis(fvED) pa(cd)cem.(d.) (::)