name:Alma Redemptoris (simple tone); office-part:Antiphona; mode:5; book:The Liber Usualis, 1961, p. 277 & Chants of the Church, 1956, p. 83 & Liber antiphonarius, 1960, p. 69; transcriber:Andrew Hinkley; %% (c4) Al(c_0!ef/gh)ma(g.) *() Red(g)em(g')ptó(h)ris(i') Ma(j)ter,(g.) (;) quae(e) pér(e')vi(e)a(f') cae(e)li(d') por(e)ta(f') ma(h)nes,(g.) (;) Et(h) stel(j)la(i') ma(h)ris,(g.) (;) suc(e)cúr(f')re(e) ca(d')dén(e)ti(g.) (;) súr(e)ge(f)re(g') qui(h) cu(j')rat(i) pó(k')pu(j)lo :(j.) (:) Tu(j) quae(i') ge(j)nu(j')í(k)sti,(g'_[oh:h]) (;) na(j)tú(i')ra(h) mi(g')rán(f)te,(e.) (;) tu(e)um(e) san(h')ctum(g) Ge(f')ni(e)tó(de)rem :(fe..) (:) Vir(j)go(i') pri(h)us(g'_[oh:h]) ac(h) po(g)sté(e')ri(f)us,(g.) (;) Ga(h)bri(h)é(j')lis(h) ab(g') o(f)re(e'_[oh:h]) (;) su(f)mens(e') il(g)lud(g') A(h)ve,(g.) (;) pec(j)ca(i')tó(j)rum(hg) mi(h)se(f)ré(e[ll:1]d)re.(c.) (::)