name:Confirma hoc Deus; office-part:Antiphona; mode:8; book:The Liber Usualis, 1961, p. 1844 & Chants of the Church, 1956, p. 93; transcriber:Andrew Hinkley; %% (c3) COn(h)fír(h)ma(h) hoc(h) De(hih)us,(hgh.) *(,) quod(h) o(h')pe(h)rá(h')tus(h) es(f') in(h) no(g_[oh:h]f)bis :(e.) (;) a(e) tem(e)plo(ef) san(d)cto(f) tu(h_g)o,(e.) (,) quod(f) est(h) in(g') Je(h)rú(f')sa(e)lem.(e.) (::) V/. Gló(e)ri(f)a(h) Pa(h)tri,(h) et(h) Fí(i)li(h)o,(h.) (:) et(h) Spi(h)rí(h)tu(f)i(h) San(i)cto.(h.) (::) R/. Sic(e)ut(f) e(h)rat(h) in(h) prin(h)cí(h)pi(h)o,(h) et(h) nunc,(h) et(h) sem(i)per,(h.) (:) et(h) in(h) saé(h)cu(h)la(h) sae(h)cu(h)ló(f)rum.(h) A(i)men.(h.) (::) () Repeat the Ant. Confírma hoc.()