name:Sanctus IX; office-part:Kyriale; mode:5; book:Graduale Romanum, 1961, p. 34* & The Liber Usualis, 1961, p. 42 & Graduale Romanum, 1974, p. 743 & Chants of the Church, 1956, p. 25 & Gregorian Missal, 1990, p. 108 & Liber cantualis, 1983, p. 47; transcriber:Andrew Hinkley; %% (c3) SAn(hhffd/efe)ctus,(d.) *(,) San(ffe)ctus,(d.) (,) San(df/hhkvJI'j)ctus(ih..) (,) Dó(k')mi(j)nus(ij) De(kvJI)us(h.) Sá(gxfdgvFE'f)ba(e[ll:1]d)oth.(d.) (:) Ple(f)ni(fe) sunt(d') cae(e)li(f') et(h) ter(ijiih~)ra(h.) (,) gló(k)ri(ji)a(hf) tu(gxgvFE)a.(e[ll:1]d..) (;) Ho(f)sán(hih)na(hh) in(f') ex(d)cél(efe)sis.(e[ll:1]d..) (:) Be(kvJI'j)ne(h)dí(ij)ctus(j.) qui(ij) ve(kvJI)nit(h.) (,) in(k) nó(jvIHij)mi(ih)ne(h.) Dó(gxfdgvFE'f)mi(e[ll:1]d)ni.(d.) (:) Ho(gxde/fd//ef!gvFEfv.df)sán(hhi)na(h.) (,) in(k) ex(jvIH)cél(fvED.fhf/ded)sis.(d.) (::)