name:Pontifical Blessing;
office-part:Toni Communes;
book:The Liber Usualis, 1961, p. 111 & Chants of the Church, 1956, p. 128;
transcriber:Andrew Hinkley;
(c3) SIT(h) no(h)men(h) Dó(h)mi(h)ni(h) be(h)ne(h)dí(h)ctum.(f.) (::Z-)
R/. Ex(h) hoc(h) nunc(h) et(h) us(h)que(h) in(h) saé(h)cu(f)lum.(f.) (::Z-)
V/. Ad(h)ju(h)tó(h)ri(h)um(h) no(h)strum(h) in(h) nó(h)mi(h)ne(h) Dó(h)mi(f)ni.(f.) (::Z-)
R/. Qui(h) fe(h)cit(h) cae(h)lum(h) et(h) ter(h)ram.(f.) (::Z-)
V/. Be(h)ne(h)dí(h)cat(h) vos(h) o(h)mní(h)pot(g)ens(f) De(h)us :(h.) (;) Pa(h)ter,(g.) (,) et(f) Fí(h)li(h)us,(h.) (,) et(h) Spí(h)ri(h)tus(h) San(h)ctus.(f.) (::) R/.() A(g.)men.(h.) (::)