name:Alleluia deduc me. (Sundays throughout the year at Terce); office-part:Antiphona; mode:2; book:The Liber Usualis, 1961, p. 235 & The Liber Usualis, 1961, p. 237 & Liber antiphonarius, 1960, p. 27 & Liber antiphonarius, 1960, p. 29; transcriber:Andrew Hinkley; %% (f3) AL(eh)le(hg)lú(f_g){ia},(ffe.) (,) de(f)duc(h') me(g) Dó(h')mi(g)ne(f'_) (,) in(f) sé(h)mi(g)tam(h) man(f)da(fe)tó(f')rum(g) tu(h')ó(f)rum,(f.) (;) al(e)le(f')lú(h){ia},(gf) al(e)le(ef)lú(f.){ia}.(f.) (::) E(h) u(h) o(h) u(g) a(e) e.(f.) (::)