name:Benedicta es tu (Ant.); office-part:Antiphona; book:The Liber Usualis, 1961, p. (16) & The Liber Usualis, 1961, p. 1321 & The Liber Usualis, 1961, p. 1381 & Liber antiphonarius, 1960, p. 587 & Liber antiphonarius, 1960, p. 631; transcriber:Andrew Hinkley; %% (c3) BE(e)ne(e)dí(hg)cta(h) es(i_[uh:l]j) tu,(i'_[oh:h]) *(,) Vir(h)go(j') Ma(k)rí(ji)a,(i.) (;) a(hg) Dó(fi)mi(i)no(i') De(j)o(h) ex(hg)cél(e)so(e_[uh:l]f) (;) prae(df) ó(h)mni(g')bus(h) mu(i')li(h)é(ij)ri(i)bus(hv_GF) su(g)per(f) ter(e.)ram.(e.) (::) E(i) u(i) o(j) u(i) a(h) e.(gf..) (::)