name:Rorate caeli desuper; office-part:Varia; mode:1; book:The Liber Usualis, 1961, p. 1868 & Chants of the Church, 1956, p. 132; transcriber:Andrew Hinkley; %% (c4) 1. Ne(f) i(g)ra(h)scá(hg)ris(h) Dó(ixhi)mi(h)ne,(h.) (,) ne(h) ul(h)tra(h) me(h)mí(h)ne(h)ris(h) in(g)i(ixi)qui(h)tá(hg)tis :(f.) (:) ec(h)ce(ixi) cí(j)vi(j)tas(j) San(j)cti(j'_) fa(j)cta(j) est(j) de(j)sér(j)ta :(j.) (,) Si(j)on(j) de(j)sér(jk)ta(j) fa(ixji)cta(h) est :(h.) (;) Je(f)rú(gh)sa(h)lem(h.) de(ixgi)so(h)lá(hg)ta(f) est :(f.) (:) do(h)mus(h) san(h)cti(h)fi(h)ca(h)ti(h)ó(h)nis(h) tu(h)ae(h'_) et(h) gló(h)ri(g)ae(j) tu(ixji)ae,(h.) (;) u(f)bi(gh) lau(h)da(h)vé(ixhi)runt(h) te(h.) pa(gf)tres(e) no(fe)stri.(d.) (::) (Z-)