name:Rorate caeli desuper; office-part:Varia; mode:1; book:The Liber Usualis, 1961, p. 1868 & Chants of the Church, 1956, p. 132; transcriber:Andrew Hinkley; %% (c4) 2. Pec(f)cá(gh)vi(h)mus,(h.) et(h) fa(h)cti(h) su(h)mus(h) tam(h)quam(g') im(h)mún(ixhi)dus(h) nos,(h.) (,) et(h') ce(g)cí(f')di(e)mus(d.) (;) qua(h)si(h) fó(h)li(h)um(g) u(ixi)ni(h)vér(hg)si :(f.) (:) et(h) in(ixi)i(j)qui(j)tá(j)tes(j) no(j)strae(j'_) qua(j)si(j) ven(j)tus(j) ab(k)stu(j)lé(ixji)runt(h) nos :(h.) (;) abs(f)con(gh)dí(h)sti(h) fá(h)ci(h)em(h) tu(h)am(h.) a(f) no(g)bis,(fe..) (:) et(f) al(gh)li(h)sí(h)sti(h) nos(h'_) in(h) ma(h)nu(h) in(h)i(ixhi)qui(h)tá(hvGF')tis(e) no(fe)strae.(d.) (::) (Z-)