name:Exsurge Domine adjuva; office-part:Antiphona; mode:2; book:Graduale Romanum, 1961, p. 274 & The Liber Usualis, 1961, p. 1358 & The Liber Usualis, 1961, p. 835; transcriber:Andrew Hinkley; %% (f3) EX(c)súr(ef~)ge(f) Dó(fg)mi(e[ll:1]d)ne,(c.) *(,) ád(eg)ju(gf)va(fhG'F) nos(fg..) (;) et(eg) lí(g)be(f)ra(fhG'F) nos,(f.) (,) pro(f)pter(f) no(f)men(fgef) tu(f_[oh:h]g_[oh:h]f_[oh:h])um.(f.) (::) Ps. De(e)us(fe) áu(eh)ri(h)bus(h) no(hg)stris(hi) au(i)dí(hi)vi(h)mus :(h.) *(:) pa(hf)tres(fh) no(h)stri(h) an(h)nun(h)ti(h')a(i)vé(hf)runt(h) no(ge)bis.(fgf.) (::) Gló(e)ri(fe)a(eh) Pa(h)tri.(h) (::) E(h') u(i) o(hf) u(h) a(ge) e.(fgf.) (::) Et repetitur Exsúrge Dómine.()