name:Anima Christi; office-part:Varia; mode:8; book:Chants of the Church, 1956, p. 83; transcriber:Andrew Hinkley; %% (c4) A(g)ni(g)ma(g') Chri(g)sti,(g.) san(e)ctí(f)fi(g)ca(e) me :(d.) (;) Cor(g)pus(g') Chri(g)sti,(e') sal(f)va(gvFEf) me.(g.) (::) 2. San(g)guis(g') Chri(g)sti,(g.) in(e)é(f)bri(g)a(e) me :(d.) (;) a(g)qua(g) lá(g)te(g)ris(g') Chri(g)sti,(e') la(f)va(gvFEf) me.(g.) (::) 3. Pás(g)si(g)o(g) Chri(g)sti,(e') con(f)fór(g')ta(e) me :(d.) (;) O(g) bo(g)ne(g) Je(g)su,(g.) ex(e')áu(f)di(gvFEf) me.(g.) (::) 4. In(g)tra(g) tu(g)a(g) vúl(g)ne(g)ra(e') abs(f)cón(g')de(e) me :(d.) (;) ne(g) per(g)mít(g)tas(g) me(g) se(g)pa(g)rá(e')ri(f) a(gvFEf) te.(g.) (::) 5. Ab(g) ho(g)ste(g) ma(g)lí(g)gno(e') de(f)fén(g')de(e) me :(d.) (;) in(g) ho(g)ra(g) mor(g)tis(g) me(g)ae(e') vo(f)ca(gvFEf) me.(g.) (::) 6. Et(g) ju(g)be(g) me(g.) ve(e)ní(f)re(g') ad(e) te :(d.) (;) ut(g) cum(g) San(g)ctis(g) tu(e')is(f) lau(g')dem(e) te(d.) (;) in(g) saé(g)cu(g)la(g) sae(g)cu(g)ló(e')rum.(f) A(gvFEf)men.(g.) (::)