name:O Panis dulcissime; office-part:Sequentia; mode:1; book:Chants of the Church, 1956, p. 122; transcriber:Andrew Hinkley; %% (c4) O(d') pa(e)nis(f') dul(g)cís(f')si(e)me,(d.) (;) O(f') fi(g)dé(h')lis(h) á(g')ni(f)mae(e.) (;) Vi(h')tá(d)lis(e') re(g)flé(f')cti(e)o!(d.) (::) 2. O(d') Pa(e)schá(f')lis(g) ví(f')cti(e)ma,(d.) (;) A(f')gne(g) man(h')sue(h)tís(g')si(f)me,(e.) (;) Le(h')gá(d)lis(e') ob(g)lá(f')ti(e)o!(d.) (::) 3. In(h') te(g) nos(g') ut(d) ú(f')ni(e)as,(d.) (;) Et(f') vir(g)tú(h')te(ixi) mú(g')ni(ixi)as,(h.) (;) Da(h') te(g) di(e')gne(f) sú(e')me(d)re.(d.) (::) 4. Ut(h') car(g)ná(g')les(d) fú(f')ri(e)as(d.) (;) Pro(f')pél(g)lens,(h') nos(ixi) fá(g')ci(ixi)as(h.) (;) Te(h')cum(g) pi(e')e(f) ví(e')ve(d)re.(d.) (::) A(ded)men.(cd..) (::)