O mundi Domina
- Solesmes 1957
- Antiphona
Open with external tool
- Jan 02, 2025: Edited the first note to be 'Do' as the "Ti/Si" was likely a typo in the original publication. The melody of the antiphon follows the same structure as the "O Antiphons" of Advent, all which begin on 'Do'. (vivatxtusrex) ?
- May 19, 2024: (Jacques Perriere) ?
- May 19, 2024: (Jacques Perriere) ?
- Sep 11, 2022: virga before episema (Jacques Perriere) ?
- Aug 29, 2022: Chri-stus, præsépio, removing unnecessary accents, space after bars, star after quarter bar, raising the alteration, lowering episemas, Version Solesmes 1957 (Jacques Perriere) ?
- Oct 25, 2013: Added to the database (Mark) ?
- Original transcriber: MarkM
Cantus selecti, Solesmes, 1957, p. 116* ◀ ▶