How to participate?
In order to participate, you need to register or login.
What can I do?
- Proofcheck. If there are no mistakes in a score, click the button “Proofread by Me”. If you spot some, edit the score and fix them or ask somebody to fix it for you. All changes can be undone so don’t be afraid of making mistakes, they all can be fixed losslessly.
- Add scores. If you don’t know where to start, just go through the sources with images and start encoding.
Description of the fields
- Score: the gabc code for the chant. If necessary you can add GABC or TeX sections (for some more complex chants – see exemples).
- Hymn verses: for hymns where the music is exactly the same along the verses, only the first verse should be in the “Score” field. Following verses are to be put in this field (either GABC for music or TeX for textual version).
- Incipit: speaks by itself.
- Version: sometimes a chant exists in different versions. The versions currently used are “Vatican” and “Solesmes” according to the presence of rhythmic signs.
- Usage: also called “office part”.
- Mode: should be a number or “p” for the “Tonus Peregrinus”. The “ending” field is used to put the ending according to Solesmes classification.
- Commentary: will be placed at the top right of the score (see Kyrie VIII or Tota pulchra es, for instance).
- Initial style: choose whether to have a 1 or 2 lines initial or no initial at all. Warning: for 2-lines initial, you’ll need to specify the first 2 line breaks.
- Original transcriber: use this field if you’re adding a file transcribed by somebody else.
- Sources: “sequence” means the order on the page, “extent” on how many pages does it extend. If you want to add from a source that’s not in the list, just ask it to be added.
I have many GABC files of antiphons from the recently published Antiphonale Romanum II however I was wondering if there would be any copyright issue with making these available on this website? If not, I would be happy to share them.
There have been lengthy discussions about the copyright questions (see this thread, for instance) and the general consensus is that the books are copyrighted but not the melodies, except for newly composed ones but there aren’t many of them.
What font is used for the text in the output scores?
Linux Libertine
Hi, congratulations for this huge work. I would like to help.
Kind regards.
I discovered recently your site. I am very delighted by it.
It is very very usefull for us.
Many thanks
Antoine Phan
I’m new to GregoBase and I just pressed “Proofread by Me” by accident for “Pange Lingua … Certaminis”. Is there a way to roll back ?
fr. Michele
No problem. I “unproofread” it for you 😉
Thanks for your great transcriptions, released in public domain! I uploaded “Adoro te devote” here:
Greetings from Germany,
Peter Gerloff
Thank you for this web-page. It’s really amazing.
I want to contribute with the “Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariae”, in a version of Dom Charpentier OSB, that you can hear in this video:
I have the GABC code but I don’t have the source. ¿What can I do?
My e-mail is sacramliturgiam (at) if you can reply me.
Best regards and thank you again for this web. I love it!
I guess your source is The Traditional Roman Hymnal (2000). No idea what their source was… There is a short essay on gregorian chant written by “Dom Louis Charpentier, moine bénédictin” in 1929. If that one is the author, it might be not public domain… One would have to investigate about the year of death of that person 😉
Hi all!
I added two files (Veni, veni, Emmanuel & Resonet in laudibus) today.
I beg your pardon for possible mistakes, and, if possible, your help to review and your commentaries. I’m new with Gregorio Editor, but, very interested in give some help.
Best regards!
Antonio Pessotti
Director of Schola Cantorum Sancte Michael Archangele (Brazil)
Is there any way to add In Nocte Nativitatis Domini 1936 as a source?
Br Michael
Any scan available?
Is it possible to add the header “centering-scheme: latin;” as a default for each GABC file, or at least add that header when processing the GABC into PDF? That would improve the clarity of the PDFs, which some musicians use directly in choir materials.
As far as I know, this is the default behaviour… Where is it not working that way?
I was looking at a printed sheet made from a Gregobase PDF file. Perhaps it was made before the current centering rule was installed. Thank you!
Would it be possible to make a list of the oldest pieces in the database that have not been proofread?
May I upload a scan of the original to a score in gregobase? How?
Currently the only way is to send it to me so that I add it to the database…
There appears to be a problem with the ‘report a problem’ link.
I have not been able to fix the error in the positioning of the vertical episema so used the remarks field.
Thanks for the report! It should be working now.
Would it be possible to add Cantus Varii (1902) as a source? The full name is Cantus Varii In Usu Apud Nostrates Ab Origine Ordinis, Aliaque Carmina In Decursu Sæculorum Pie Usu Parta. I can provide a scan.
Just added it. I’ll add the scans later.
Where can one find the list of pages/images that have not been transcribed? I’ve been going through doing the “pleasefix” list as I am able, and I’d like to continue to move this forward. I made myself a commitment of doing at least one chant per day!
You could browse by source and Show source images. e.g.
Feature suggestion: should the proofread flag be reset when there are edits to the chant?
Can you add the {multicols} package in your include section for TeX? That’ll really help for those multi-column texts that appear under certain chant scores.
I’d like to add scores from the Cistercian Hymnarium and Antiphonale. Pictures of the books can be found on so there shouldn’t be copyright issues, right? Can those two books be added to the sources list?
Can you add the roman numbers i-viij to be chosen as mode?
You’re welcome 😉 what’s the difference between these and 1-8 ?
In the psalmodie the ending of the second line of each verse is different. E.g. vij. T. descends in the end, whereas 7. T. rises on the last note.
That’s going to get confusing since some books use Roman figures for the regular tones too…
The Nocturnale scan is missing pp. LXXVI & LXXVII. Thanks.
Indeed but unfortunately these were missing from the scan I got… If somebody could send them to me, I’d be happy to bring them in!
Hello everyone,
How can I avoid the automatic custos? I’ve tried to use what “Custos control” says and it doesn’t work.
Thanks in advance!
Could we perhaps rename the “Praefationes in tono solemni” category into simply “Praefationes”? I intend to add a number of prefaces in near future, both solemn & simple and don’t really see a need for them to be that separate.
Makes sense. Done!
For ‘Jesu Dulcis Memoria’ I have a plainsong copy which has ‘Dans vera CORDI gaudia’. The versions on here have ‘Dans vera CORDIS gaudia’. Can anyone help with this reason and if I need to change it on my copy? Thanks
IMHO “cordi” this is a mistake; I have too in this Gregorian Chant in the text “dans vera cordis gaudia” (Hymnus “Jesu dulcis memoria”, modus 1).
I discover to day an mistake in “Alleluia Sancti tui , Domine”
The last three notes of Domine are not DO SI SI but RE DO DO
Here is le modified text by me
(f3) AL(e)le(f)lú(hi~)ia.(i_h/iggf.) *(,) ij.(hv./iji./ef/h_f//hv.ghe/hhh.f!gwhf.) V/.(::) San(f_e/f!gwh’)cti(i) tu(jiihi)i,(iv.hh/fgf.) (;) Dó(f!hh/ijHF’/ivH’GEf./hfhhf/ge)mi(fe)ne,(e.) (;) be(ffe/ffe/fc..,ef!hvvF’E/hhhi)ne(h)dí(h)cent(ivH’G/hf~) te:(f.) (:) gló(f!h’i)ri(jiihi)am(iv.hh/fgf.) (,) re(f!hh/ijHF’/ivH’GE/f./hfhhf/ge)gni(e.) tu(hh)i(hi) *(,) di(i_h/jij)cent.(jvvIH’GE/f!gwhf.) (::)
Sincerely yours
Antoine Phan
Illuminaire Score Editor seems to have vanished …
It moved to
I was looking at the Hartker – Nocturnale Romanum and found that a couple of pages were missing: LXXVI (77), and LXXVII (78). Is there any chance these will be added any times soon?
Thank you,
Unfortunately I don’t have them… The scan I got is missing these pages…
I have access to them. Where do I send the scans?
br michael
I have a question about TeX files. Is it possible to add packages using \usepackage{…}?
What is the easiest way to find a chant which isn’t encoded? I suppose some books are all encoded so it would be good to know…
I guess the easiest is to browse by source… If there’s only a limited amount of scores listed there, it might be useful to encode more of them…
That said, they might be encoded already but missing the reference to that source…
I think there has on error in solesmes Graduel SCIANT GENTES at super omnem terram
– In your version : o(fg/hg)mnem(h!jj/hjg)
In GT 1973 – Solesmes : o(fg/hg/h!jj)mnem(hjg)
Is there a way to get a ‘(‘ into the text. The Epistles of Sexagessima and Septuagessima?
Text inside tag is displayed literally so you can use (.
the tag is (without spaces inside) – so you should write ( (also without spaces)
Not sure where to post this, so of course delete if inappropriate, but: I recently created a new YouTube Channel dedicated to chant: Chants of a Lifetime, drawing all my source material from this site (so, so grateful!). I am very interested to hear from chant enthusiasts here which chants I should learn and share next (is there any notion of “most viewed”?) and any commentary you have on presentation or style. If anyone wants to collaborate more substantially, I can be reached at thechantsofalifetime (at) .
would it be possible to add these ressources:
I have these, and began to make a GABC file for a fiew parts. i do not know if it can be interesting for others to have these ressources (i still have more from various dioceses or religious orders…)…
these two ones might be more interesting for international:
I own an ipad 3 with iOS 9.3. Is there a chance to run the Chant tool app with it?
We use ipad2 with iOS 13.7. The gabc transcription tool works both as app or from website itself., id est:
p. 485 of Antiphonarium O.P. (Gillet), Dominican, 1933, is inaccessible. When one clicks on the blue arrows to advance from p. 484, the image jumps to p. 486.
Fixed. Thanks!
Is it possible to add a source from the “Cantuale Romano-Seraphicum”, 1922.
I can provide the scans if required.
Tried to register but never received an email. Wanted to report that Gloria Patri VII has the clef one line too high.
the Gloria Patri VII clef on the 1961 Graduale Romanum is fine…
or are you referring to another source?
It has since been fixed!
I updated Inclitus rector (pro episcopus) from the Liber Hymnarius (previously Inclytus rector), but I had two incomplete recorded changes that should be deleted, before the final complete change.
I just added the Christmas Matins Invitatory to the database. I classified it as a Responsory, because there is no classification for an Invitatory. Could that category be added?
Please add the Offertoriale Triplex or the Offertoriale sive Versus (pdf here: as a source.
Your link is broken, the Offertoriale Triplex would be great, but alas the PDF is nowhere to be found.
Here’s the link to the non-triplex version.
Sive versus added:
First of all, thank you very much for the great help we get through your website. I have sometimes noticed mistakes in certain scores. Who can I report these errors to?
Kind regards, Br. Nikolai
Can you add the Rituale Romanum 1816? It’s been digitized for google books; I can provide a link to a pdf.
It’s necessary for the chants proper to the old blessing of water on Epiphany Eve, which as far as I know aren’t recorded in any later source.
For anyone interested I’m uploading Gregorian Chant PDF booklets of the current Liturgy of the Hours for Sundays and Solemnities (I & II Vespers, and Lauds), and Feasts, for the whole year here
Practically everything comes from this Web.
Thank you once again for this amazing Web and all those who contribute to it.
I am putting together a large print missal booklet. Many in our parish are older and cannot read the standard font size. Is there a way to alter your: (1) Font size (14pt or 26 pt) ; and (2) Font to something like Calibri or Arial (not narrow) so that they are legible to older pair of eyes? Illuminare editor has that feature, but unfortunately they have no PNG output, which is a huge bother. You’d have to PDF, screenshot, cut and paste to Word, resulting in blurriness. Please help.
You could try pasting the gabc here:
Zoom it as needed, then screencapture it.
The GABC Transcription Tool’s ( PNG function works and produces clear results when pasted into Word.
What I find to be easiest is to fiddle with the size settings in Illuminare, then copy the entire code into the transcription tool (make sure to select “show integrated GABC”). From there you can further manipulate the number on the “width” line if you want, then click download PNG.
Good afternoon, and thank you so much for your excellent webpage. I fear there is an error when you try to download this version of hymn “Christe, qui splendor et dies”: Thank you again.
How to add a source ? (La semaine sainte 1962 de Solesmes ?)
Hi, I just registered to add a score.
Is there a way for me to add a new source to the list of sources?
There are a few PDFs available at that don’t seem to be on the source list here.
I am not able to find Versicles and Responses for Office of Vespers on GregoBase. I’m using the 1934 Monastic Antiphonal, and finding everything else. Thank you so much!
Does anyone know melody for two of seven Praefaces permited by Quo Magis, febrary 22, 2020:
– Præfatio de SS. Sacramento;
– Præfatio de omnibus Sanctis et SS. Patronis?
Thank you!
Looking to try my hand at a few transcriptions, starting with some simple antiphons in the Nocturnale Romanum of Hartker. I’m going slowly so as to learn without adding a lot of junk to the database that just needs fixing later.
Is there a document laying out preferred style? For example, Hartker’s format for antiphons has the incipit and psalm tone marking at the start of the psalm and the full antiphon without psalm tone marking at the end.
Do you want both of those pieces in the data base, corresponding to the manuscript, or would you prefer a single file containing the full antiphon with the end of the incipit marked with an asterisk and including the psalm tone (unlike Hartker’s notation).
If style considerations like this are written down somewhere, I’m happy to read them to avoid swamping your database with junk.
Can the 1935 Offertoriale be added as a source? I’d love to start transcribing this.
Thanks for this project !! I would like to contribute transcribing from a new source: Antiphonale Marcianum (Venetian)
The long title of the source is:
Antiphonale Officii Secundum Consuetudinem Ducalis Ecclesiae Sancti Marci Venetiarum
It contains melodies from the XIII century, as performed according to the Venetian/Aquileian rite in the St Mark’s Basilica (Venice), some of which until year 1807.
For more details you can refer to a related volume written by my uncle d. Giulio Cattin in 1990 and now online (
Thank you very much
Thank you! Maybe we could add 1990 as the year since it’s the first year these melodies where published? Happy new year.
OK. I changed the wording and added the transcriptions scans. I also changed your record accordingly. Please tell me what you think about it.
i would like to register but its rejecting my email. What to do.
Maybe check your spam folder…
Please correct the SCORE page display after recent changes:
With the numbers added for search, the alphabet line is longer and it overlaps with the box on the right side of the page. As a result I cannot search the U – V – W – Z letters no matter how I modify my screen or browser in size and position.
I’m posting this here because I can’t find a way of posting this with Fix It
Thank you very much!
I’ve been adding a few simple chants from the front of the Nocturnale Romanum, 2002. It would be nice, I think, to have tags for Invitatory Psalm and Invitatory (antiphon). I don’t know if some other tag is customary; I am a novice. But it seemed weird to just call them Varia and Antiphon. Perhaps Psalm and Antiphon would be better, but I think dedicated tags would be better still.
The way I see it, the tones for ps94 that do not include antiphons fall under the Psalmus _usage_ (not tag).
(“Usage” being the more or less standardized field of a gabc header)
Conversely, the invitatory antiphons by themselves (not intertwined with the verses of ps94) fall under the Antiphona usage.
What we could do is have both in their proper usage (Antiphona and Psalmus) and tag them with “Ad invitatorium” – the tag already exists.
By the way, @rleduc, I see you add a lot of tags that are redundant with other fields (usage/office-part, mode, source).
Please note that the gabc files will include in their headers the “office-part”, “mode” and “book” fields, taking them from the “usage”, “mode” and “source” fields of the database.
So, adding those informations as tags is not useful in my opinion.
In my view the tags should cover :
– the hour (ad invitatorium/matutinum/officium lectionis/laudes/primam/tertiam/sextam/horam mediam/nonam/vesperas/completorium)
– the season or feast (tempore adventus/nativitatis/quadragesimae/paschalis/per annum/post pentecosten ; in honore S. XYZ ; in festo XYZ)
Do you have a table of contents or something like that based on the Sundays of the year? For example, I would like to see the chants for the Third Sunday of Ordinary Time.
Is there a page that I can go to in order to see those chants, or is it possible to type in the text, e.g. “Dominus secus mare..” for the Introit on the Third Sunday?
Can you add to the sources
1895 – Solesmes – Liber Responsorialis
It can be found here:
“Version Verona” (like in
Dear Ladies and Gentleman,
in some new antiphons written by “joerghu” there is given the version “Verona”. Can anyone explain, what this version means exactly? Is this maybe the Codex I-VEcap Ms XCVIII (92)? Is there a digital version of this Codex?
Michael Hauber
These are Alberto Turco’s restitutions from the Hartker antiphonary:
Congratulations for your database.
I haven’t registered yet (starter on GABC) but may I suggest one little thing?
Resp. Collegerunt – for Palm Sunday pre-1955.
There is a possible misplaced ‘D’ at the “con” of “concilium”,
instead of:
it should be:
I did not see anything wrong otherwise.
Fixed. Thanks!
Has anyone scored the Toni Psalmorum from either the Antiphonale Monasticum or the Antiphonale Romanum?
Thank you for this wonderful resource!
Br. Michael
Hello can you please add
1955 – Westmalle – Antiphonarii Cisterciensis Vigilias Nocturnas
Well done xmarteo for removing the trailing hyphen on 2290 🙂
I see a certain difficulty in finding Dominican Mass responsoria in the database (the equivalent of a gradual in the Roman tradition). They are often marked with the description “usage: responsorium”, which is consistent with the nomenclature used in the Dominican books, but causes that in the list they go to the division of the breviary responsories. A solution might be to recommend that these Mass responsoria describe “usage: graduale”, which would place them alongside the related Solesmen and Vatican chants.
Best wishes to all the supporters of this website.
Jan Gołaski
I meant “office-part:” key, not “usage:”.
Hi, could the following two chants be removed from the database? I added them by accident, as I somehow didn’t realize they were already there.
I am trying to edit this chant
in the Illuminare Score Editor. When it opens in the Editor, I lose the mode indicator “3” under “Ant.”. Any ideas on how to get around this?
Thank you~
The Illuminare Score Editor takes only one annotation. That said, if you render the PDF, you’ll see both.
Could you please add the following volume to your list of sources:
“Antiphonæ et Responsoria – Tomus V, MelosAntiqua, 2021 — Proprium de Sanctis”
Thank you very much!
Hello can you please add to the sources:
1955 – Westmalle – Antiphonarii Cisterciensis Vigilias Nocturnas
Does anyone know where to find the melody for the hymn “Christus, redemptor gentium” by St. Columba? It is alternately called “Christus lorica militum”, from the first words of the refrain.
They are beautiful lyrics, but I cannot find a melody.
Thank you for your great base! I have a technical question. Is it possible to download all files (I need only Solesmes 1934) at once ? It’s problematic for me to download each files separately.
Thanks in advance for support!
The sources Graduale Novum I and Graduale Novum II need to be corrected. Currently they are designated “Vatican”, which is, of course, not correct.
I just updated it. But it wasn’t incorrect… just incomplete 😉
Hello can you please add to the sources:
2010 – Missel Vespéral Grégorien
Voilà qui est fait !
Hello new here and both me and the schola cantorum at the chapel I attend love this treasure!
We are practicing on some chants for the Passion, Palm Sunday and finally for Easter and I was looking at the Hymn “O filii et filiæ” and maybe there is a mistake in the ninth verse, where the “r” in “Christi” is missing….
Anyway I cant’w wait to be overwhelmed with joy singing this hymn on Easter!
thank you
Thank you. It is fixed.
We need a better system than “Varia” for parts which are things like readings (Mass texts with special tones not in the Liber Usualis/Graduale Romanum, office texts that are more complex than the usual LU tones, the Passion, etc.). They don’t really fit there with things like hymns written in square notation, and in any case, they should be labeled with the liturgical rite, the occasion, etc. somewhere in the identifying information if possible (actually, this would be helpful for everything, actually…)
Also, they shouldn’t get the XII Prophetiae tag just because they’re for Holy Week. What’s the point of the tag in that case?
Hi! Could you please add to the sources the following supplement to the Graduale Romanum No. 696a of 1910:
1909 – Missae Propriae Sanctorum qui in Hispania celebrantur
Question for someone who knows about these things (I’m a relatively new contributer): it seems to me that more recent chant books such as the 1981/2012 Psalterium Monasticum would still be under copyright, and yet I noticed that there is a scan of this book available on the website. Has Solesme given some sort of permission for this?
Also, I noticed that CMAA has a scan available of the 1961 Ordo Hebdomadae Sanctae iuxta ritum monasticum; does anyone know the copyright status of that book? I’ve been loving contributing so far, but I’m a little leery of using scans whose copyright status I’m unsure of.
Unlike CMAA, I haven’t received any permission from Solesmes for publishing these books. But I chose to offer them at a very low resolution so they couldn’t be used as is in another publication. The chants themselves (apart from a few exceptions) are public domain.
Hello. I tried to add many chants that I have from the propers for Hispanoamerica. I was wondered if someone could tell me about upload a new source (in my case, is a pdf book of the FSSPX, based in a Supplementum of Liber Usualis).
Thank you 🙂
Hello, I’m transcribing the sequences for the sundays of Advent from a manuscript in the Bnf Paris, could it be added as a source?
Graduale Sancti Victoris cum notis, 1270-1297, Abbaye de Saint Victor, Paris; Bnf, Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal, Ms-0197.
Is there a way to get a dump of all the GABC files?
I’d like to do some TF-IDF similarity analysis on them.
Such analysis enabled me to find that Justus ut palma is, besides the the Requiem’s gradual, the most similar to the nuptial Mass’s Uxor tua!
Are we allowed to / supposed to upload original compositions / modifications of melodies?
Original compositions and/or modifications are ok as long as they are released under Public Domain/CC0 license.
Could you add another tag named “Epistles”?
I could add the “epistola Solemnior” for Dominica Resurrectionis (very similar to Epistle from Laudes Festivae OSB.
Kind regards
Generally speaking, I think that EUOUAE is helpful and should be added especially if it’s both the Liber Usualis and Liber antiphonarius, but contributors should use their own judgement. For example, the Triduum psalms (or for that matter, the Office of the Dead, which has the verse Requiem aeternam) don’t have the Gloria Patri, but the Liber Usualis gives the EUOUAE ending with the antiphon which is a mistake that would give rise to typesetting errors later on and which would confuse the faithful if not caught.
I agree with you, and you are right to address this issue. We should not add EUOUAE for the Tenebrae psalms or the Office of the dead.
The confusion comes from the Liber Antiphonarius which systematically adds EUOUAE to all the antiphons. Maybe this book presumes that people know a psalm does not always end with EUOUAE, but sometimes ‘Et lux perpetua luceat eis’ or nothing at all, then gives an indication of the verse ending anyway?
Example this score 2753 at Tenebrae where EUOUAE was added recently. I don’t mind seeing it but I would prefer it was not there as in the Liber Usualis; and then make a new score for the Liber Antiphonarius, with EUOUAE.
I should add too, for what it’s worth, that this means systematically picking for deletion a) duplicates of the chants uploaded in Dec 2020 by Andrew Hinkley (to whom we owe a great deal of gratitude!) and b) organizing things.
In other words, you have gone through systematically the chants uploaded in 2013. Most of these chants have been marked as being from the Liber Usualis and the Liber Antiphonarius respectively (that’s a much later change in some cases).
I have done the Magnificat antiphons of Vespers for ferial days (only adding EUOUAE and fixing the sequence of as many chants as possible); these don’t have duplicates by and large as they’re either not in the Liber Usualis (and virtually nothing for Paschaltide is) or are already marked appropriately; just about everything in the “Commemoration of Sunday or the Feria” section is marked as being from both sources. A few antiphons for Vespers, and almost all of the antiphons for other hours, of the Tempore, and most of the Sanctorale, need to be either 1) given the EUOUAE endings 2) deleted as duplicates (when two identical chants are marked “Liber Antiphonarius 3) merged with the original if the LU and the LA don’t differ substantially (I think that for safety’s sake, EUOUAE counts as a difference that merits two entries).
Regardless, I would suggest that we work on the Liber Usualis entries since those came first, then apply changes to anything from the 2020 upload so as to avoid changing the chants twice only to delete them later…
Interesting: the Nocturnale Hartker 2002 uses the phrase “Et sic finiatur” when there is no EUOUAE.
The tags question has come up before, and I propose the following
The hours of the office should have 1 tag. Nothing for days of the week or seasons or feasts.
We should only use sentence-style writing. Instead of all-caps, “In Honorem…” would be much easier to read.
The XII Prophetiae tag is still a mess: it should, by definition, only contain various tones for the prophecies of the pre-1962 vigil (and therefore 1955 and even the NO); there will be plenty of material between retyping the readings according to the standard prophecy tone and the various monastic or other collections.
The Passion etc. have a place, but not under that tag. There needs to be a “Holy Week” tag (and for what it’s worth, I think that this is tricky since the Latin name changed in 1955).
I propose deleting all of the tags with one item. Some of these could be helpful (the Mercedarian tag for example), but on the other hand, that usually means that there’s not very much else from that same source, and many seem to be parts of incomplete personal projects that would be better on someone’s personal website or Github repository (e.g. much of the vernacular stuff is clutter — why does the “Vespers” tag have only 2 entries, with Portuguese psalmody to boot? That seems to be an abuse of the database).
The Ordinarium tags need to be used, and really, that should be the easiest things to tag… A couple of Masses are missing and are incomplete. Same for each part (Kyrie, Gloria, etc.).
and I certainly second the need for a readings tag, though I don’t know how to do it. I imagine that people would add the Laudes festivae tones, but I don’t know what else is helpful to add to Gregobase versus someone’s own website.
Would it be possible to invert the ordering of this list of posts?
The most interesting topics are completely hidden, like the tag topic.
Thank you in advance.
Why do scores of the 1912 Antiphonale Romanum, that is, the Vatican edition, have the Solesmes rhythmic markings?!?! Who added those systematically?!?!? That person should apologize to the community (if still active) and banned (regardless). That is a huge mess to clean up.
I also don’t like the way that we’ve decided, loosely speaking, to differentiate between scores.
For example, “Magnus Dominus et laudabilis nimis” is shared between the shorter text present in the monastic psalter and this text as well as the Matins chant from Sandhofe.
But I don’t like the three periods and I wish that we could eliminate periods and numbers (.1, .2 etc.) from the file names.
Perhaps adding more to the title would be helpful but in what language? Latin? English?
I am trying to add the missing Iste confessor tones from the 1960 reprint of the Liber antiphonarius of 1949 and then disambiguate them from the Liber Usualis printed following the changes of John XXIII; the Urban text preserves something closer to the original reading in “béatas Scándere sedes”, but then this is changed whenever “m.t.v.” is indicated in the proper of saints. The 1960 text reverts to only one text, “suprémos Laudis honóres”, which is not as close to the pre-Urban version but returns to only having one invariable third verse.
I don’t know of a good way to do this; the hymn verse feature for gabc doesn’t really allow for this to be separated, but for now I’ll make use of it, because others should at least have the gabc. There’s no good way to do second lines with Gregorio, especially not without knowing how to adjust the features.
For the “Sequence”: we need to explicitly say that “0” is not an option”. I think that people don’t understand that this impacts going 1-2-3-4 etc. People pull an entire Mass (Ordinary) or Office at once, so the order matters!
Also, if it is not the first item on the page, even if the chant at the top began somewhere on the previous page, then “1” is not an option, logically, but this needs to be spelled out.
I am starting to get weary of Gregobase being used for distributing what are ultimately personal projects and preferred melodies (restorations, vernacular adaptations…)
This is a fine duplex edition, but it’s not the Triplex presentation from what I gather. What is it doing here? Gregobase starts to go off the rails when people go beyond simply transcribing existing sources (for which there is a PDF source against which we can check!).
(the irony of my username aside)
again: how can we proofread this? this is not according to the Novum edition if it doesn’t use its typesetting conventions. It’s its own thing, and none of it can be corrected without a reference source.
We really need a true search function
We ought to add enumitem to the preamble. I would like to make the Lit. SS. Cordis Jesu as a list to better match the Solesmes formatting although it’s not possible to do the litany trick with such a long invocation) but cannot. Adding numbers by hand at the start of a line requires \@ or the period is going to be messed up and everything unaligned again.
With the upcoming release of Gregorio 6.1, we should move to that.