This website is test case for a software I’m developing for creating chant booklets. The code of which can be found on GitHub.
All chant transcriptions are released under CC0 (a.k.a. Public Domain) license.
- Gregorio version 5.2.1
- LuaTeX, Version 1.12.0 (TeX Live 2020/Debian)
- Ghostscript 9.50 (2019-10-15)
- PDFCROP 1.40, 2020/06/06
- mutool version 1.16.1
- Andrew Hinkley for his amazing work of typesetting most of the Graduale Romanum (1908 and 1961) as well as the Liber Usualis in GABC format.
- The Church Music Association of America for offering many chant sources.
- The Solesmes Abbey for reviving and making accessible that repertoire.
The monks image in the header comes from a 15th century olivetan gradual.
TeX preamble
% !TEX TS-program = lualatex
% !TEX encoding = UTF-8
\setmainfont{Libertinus Serif}
Code language: TeX (tex)
I have some gabc from the Antiphonale Romanum, 1912. Could that be added to the sources list?
Done 🙂
Thanks. This site is awesome.
Thank you for your work.
I downloaded many years ago the app “Laudate” and I enjoyed the app very much. However, they did away with the audio music, which it is a pity. I just find out about this site, which is very complete and interesting, again thank you, for your wonderful work.
Best wishes,
There is an error in the Kyrie XI jpg
Well… where exaclty?
Here 🙂
Fixed 🙂
I’m not sufficiently adept at using Gregorio to contribute, but I did want to share my attempt at the first three verses of “O Nata Lux” (for the Feast of the Transfiguration) from the Liber Hymnarius, in case someone would like to complete the GABC for the rest of the hymn.
name:O Nata Lux;
(c4)O(h) na(h_g)ta(ed) lux(g) de(h) lĂş(hi)mi(hg)ne,(h_’) (;)
Ie(e)su,(eh) re(g)dém(gf)tor(d) sæ(e!fg)cu(fe)li(e.) (:)
dig(ed)na(c)re(e) cle(g)mens(h) sĂşp(hi)pli(hg)cum(h_’) (;)
lau(e)des(eh) pre(g)cĂ©s(gf)que(d) sĂş(e!fg)me(fe)re.(e.) (::) 2. Præ(h) so(h_g)le(ed) vul(g)tu(h) flam(hi)me(hg)us,(h_’) (;)
ut(e) nix(eh) a(g)mic(gf)tu(d) can(e!fg)di(fe)dus(e.) (:)
in(ed) mon(c)te(e) dig(g)nis(h) tes(hi)ti(hg)bus(h_’) (;)
ap(e)pa(eh)ru(g)is(gf)ti(d) con(e!fg)di(fe)tor.(e.) (::) 3. Va(h)tes(h_g) a(ed)lum(g)nis(h) ab(hi)di(hg)tos,(h_’) (;)
no(e)vis(eh) ve(g)tus(gf)tos(d) con(e!fg)fe(fe)rens,(e.) (:)
ut(ed)ris(c)que(e) te(g) di(h)vi(hi)ni(hg)tus(h_’) (;)
De(e)um(eh) de(g)dis(gf)ti(d) cre(e!fg)de(fe)re.(e.) (::)
A(efe)men.(d.e.) (::)
I just want to say, this is a SPECTACULAR site. Thank you for your work on this. I can already envision this being very useful to not only to practicing church musicians but to researchers as well. Kudos!
If you add a few more scores in the “missing scores” section I will have some time the next few weeks to do a few
You could simply browse through the sources and add missing chants. For instance: 1957 – Solesmes – Cantus selecti.
I have added a few more from your suggestion of the 1957 Cantus. A couple of problems. O salutaris Hostia VI…did not reneder correctly I am not sure how to fix it other then deleting the entire thing and redoing it. I also notice the first letter does not offset as extra large letter in the ones that I have done. They show up correctly on my system but when I copy and paste in to yours the first letter is not correct?
Well… I expect the GABC field to contain “pure” gabc… i.e. without headers. Headers are automatically generated from the metadata.
I removed these headers from the O salutaris Hostia VI and I guess removing headers from the other chants will also fix the big initial problem.
Thanks 🙂 they are all fixed.
This is a most helpful site–gracias tibi ago!
I just noticed a mistake in the first verse of Panis angelicus III from Cantus Selecti: second line, syllable “-nis” should be the same as the second verse, i.e., the note before the quilisma should be la, not sol.
Is it possible to add editorial comments? For instance, this particular Panis melody is also used for the hymn in honor of the Most Precious Blood, Festivis resonent, which makes sense.
Again, thank you.
I just added a “Remarks” field so you can add comments by editing the chant.
(and Mark fixed the note in the Panis Angelicus)
I started to look at the 1934 Ant Mont. to add additional scores, but I notice that most are the same as the 1961 liber with the exception of a note or three. I was wondering if you still wanted them added even though they were almost the same. I am not sure what you had in mind for scores that were different only by a few notes? I guess the question is do you want them added anyway?
I think it’s interesting to have both versions, unless the difference is clearly a mistake. In which case, you would write a word about it in the “Remarks” field.
Hi – this is absolutely excellent!
However, I’m not that great with technology but I’ve had a go and am struggling to add scores.
I’ve started small – as I couldn’t find the ‘Mortem tuam’ or the ‘Quia tuum’ in the database and I use them every week on my Mass sheet.
I attach them here in the hope that someone may kindly give me an idiot’s guide to addidng scores!
Also just a note the Ad Lib Agnus Dei II has a typo each time the word Agnus appears and it comes out as Agus. I’ve tried to edit but it’s nt playing – sorry!
Mortem tuam
name: ;
office-part: Kyriale;
mode: 5;
book: Graduale Romanum, 1974, p. 810
transcriber: Anthony Dickinson;
commentary: ;
%font: OFLSortsMillGoudy;
%width: 9;
%height: 9;
%spacing: ;
%fontsize: 11;
(c3) Mor(c)-tem (e) tu-(ef) am(f_’) an-n(f)un-(f)ti(f)á(f)-mus,(e) DĂł-(f!gwh) mi(f)-ne,(f.)(;) et(c) tu(ef)-am(f) re-(f)sur-(f)recti-(f)(f)Ăł-(f)nem(f) con-(g)fi-(f)tĂ©-(ef)mur,(e.) (,) do-(fd)nec(ee) vĂ©-(c)ni(bc)as.(c.)(::)
name: Embolism;
office-part: Kyriale;
mode: ;
book: Graduale Romanum, 1974, p. 815;
transcriber: Anthony Dickinson;
commentary: ;
%font: OFLSortsMillGoudy;
%width: 9;
%height: 9;
%spacing: ;
%fontsize: 12;
(c3) Qui-(c) a(ef) tu(f)um(f) est(f) reg-(f)num,(f) et(f) po-(e)té-(gh) tas,(gf__) (,) et(f) gló-(f)ri(e)a(f) in(g) sáe(e)-cu-(e)la.(c.)(::)
Im searching the Aurora lucis rutilat ( easter laud’s hymn) score, if You can help me i’ll be grateful to you. Thanks
Here it is.
Je pourrais Ă©tablir des liens depuis chaque pièce de mon site vers la page correspondante de GregoBase, si vous me fournissiez un tableau excel avec Ă chaque ligne la pièce et l’ID correspondant :
Par exemple, Ă ma page
je pourrais ajouter : Partition sur le site GregoBase avec un lien vers
si j’avais : Ant. Cum venerit Paraclitus 1850
Merci de me signaler si cela vous parait faisable et intéressant.
Excellente idĂ©e ! J’avais pensĂ© le faire mais le temps me manque cruellement…
VoilĂ le fichier:
Thank you for the corrections to “O spem miram.” In particular, I had no idea how to encode a “Greek Cross”.
Could you add the Dominican Processionale to the list of sources? It has some interesting chants not easily found elsewhere, particularly for the Officium Defunctorum such as the antiphon Clementissime?
You can download it at (as you probably know.)
I’m preparing big music sheet with scores from gregobase for liturgical workshop, but I also must rewrite some scores on my own.
I want to have the same design (size of fonts etc.) my scores as gregobase. I can’r manage with tex file. Could you add preview .tex file, which I can use to prepare my sheets?
/I apologize for the somewhat poor English
Salve. I have a question about the format of the pdfs that can be downloaded. What page size are they preformatted to be? I am wanting to use them in US Letter format, but they appear to be elongated (A5, perhaps?). Is there anyway of changing the default page size?
I have been downloading the png files and pasting them into my publishing program in lieu of using the pdf download.
Thank you for this most useful resource!
Since the time is nearing when we sing the great O-antiphones; I found a typo in the new Solesmes version lyrics ( on the second row it should read ‘flammae rubi apparuisti’ (not lammae rubi..).
Could somebody more knowledgeble than me fix it, please?
Fixed. Thanks!
What a great database, thank you very much!
One question: There are some scores with additional verses below (e.g. Hymnus “O filii et filiae”). Would it be possible to upload the tex file, too? The pdf/eps/png contain all verses, but the gabc-file just the first one (of course…). Otherwise I would had to re-type the verses for a clean insert… Thanks!
+1 E.g. I would be interested in the tex-file for the Litanies (e.g. ). Where can I find it?
Found it: When you are logged in, you can find the tex-source when you edit the score. At least a work-around…
fyi: when I added the tag “Office Hymn,” I got the following SQL error.
Should be fixed now. Thanks for the report!
There are a bunch of scores (at least 1000) that have torculi followed by only 2 underscores, even though I have never seen a torculus in a gregorian chant that only has the second and third notes marked with an episema. I added a simple regex replace for these chants when I use them within my propers tool:
gabc.replace(/(aba|[a-b]c[a-b]|[a-c]d[a-c]|[a-d]e[a-d]|[a-e]f[a-e]|[a-f]g[a-f]|[a-g]h[a-g]|[a-h]i[a-h]|[a-i]j[a-i]|[a-j]k[a-j]|[a-k]l[a-k]|[a-l]m[a-l])\.*__(?!_)/g, "$&_")
I was wondering whether there is any way you could run a regex replace on the whole database, since this situation occurs 1839 times across 1078 GABC files that are referenced by my propers tool.
I write a comment just in order to thank You for this awesome website. This is one of the most useful one for us catholics. Keep on with this great work. God bless you. 🙂
Salve. I have been looking at the sequence Laetabundus which I want my schola to sing on Epiphany (Dominican, 1950 version). The transcription here exactly matches the graphic of the source, however, in every recording I hear it is sung with a flat everywhere EXCEPT where the natural is specifically indicated.
Would it be possible to create another listing with the flat throughout as is sung, with proper notation? I did not want to presume to alter the present file.
Also, I prefer to see the upper ledger line rather than changing clef in midstream for the sake of one pair of verses, and have GABC text files of the chant which have the flat throughout, one with the clef change and one without. Thank you.
Hello! You’ve uncovered an interesting problem: in the source, the first b on each line is flattened and it’s obviously valid for the whole line. Which means the transcription is somehow wrong if the lines don’t have the same length as the source. Here is a less “gregorianic” version with flattened clef and no clef change. You can render it with or
(cb4)Læ(f)ta(gf)bún(gh>)dus(f) (::) ex(i)súl(jk)tet(j) fi(i)dé(k)lis(i) cho(j)rus.(j) (;) Al(f)le(gf)lú(gh>)ia.(f) (::)
Re(f)gem(gf) re(gh)gum(f) (;) in(i)tá(jk)ctæ(j) pro(i)fú(k)dit(i) to(j)rus :(j) (;) res(f) mi(gf)rán(gh>)da!(f) (::)
An(f)ge(fg)lus(h) con(hg)sĂ(i)li(ivHG)i(h) (;) na(h)tus(j) est(j) de(hg) VĂr(i)gi(ivHG)ne ;(h) (;) Sol(f) de(gf) stel(gh>)la.(f) (::)
Sol(f) oc(fg)cá(h)sum(hg) né(i)sci(ivHG)ens,(h) (;) stel(h)la(j) sem(j>)per(hg) rú(i)ti(ivHG)lans,(h) (;) sem(f)per(gf) cla(gh)ra.(f) (::)
Si(f)cut(fe) si(dc)dus(cd) rá(f)di(gf)um,(f) (;) pro(f)fert(fg) Vir(h>)go(fg) fĂ(i)li(ivHG)um,(h) (;) pa(f)ri(gf) for(ghg)ma.(f) (::)
Ne(f)que(fe) si(dc)dus(cd) rá(f)di(gf)o,(f) (;) ne(f)que(fg) ma(h)ter(fg) fĂ(i)li(ivHG)o(h) (;) fit(f) cor(gf)rĂşp(ghg)ta.(f) (::)
Ce(j)drus(j) al(k)ta(i) LĂ(j)ba(ivHG)ni(h) (;4) con(j)for(h)má(i)tur(hg) hĂ˝s(f!gh)so(h)po,(h) (;) val(ih~)le(gvFE) no(g)stra.(f) (::)
Ver(j)bum(j) ens(k) Al(i)tĂs(j)si(ivHG)mi(h) (;4) cor(j)po(h)rá(i)ri(hg) pas(f!gh)sum(h) est,(h) (;) car(ih~)ne(gvFE) sum(g)pta.(f) (::)
I(j)sa(j)Ă(kl)as(m) cĂ©(kj)ci(iyi)nit,(j) (;) Sy(m)na(l)gĂł(k)ga(j) mĂ©(j)mi(ivHG)nit,(h) (;) nun(j)quam(h) ta(i)men(hg) dĂ©(f!gh)si(h)nit(h) (;) es(ih)se(gf) cæ(ghg)ca.(f) (::)
Si(j) non(j) su(kl)is(m) Vá(kj)ti(iyi)bus,(j) (;) cre(m)dat(l) vel(k) gen(j)tĂ(j)li(ivHG)bus :(h) (;) Sy(j)bil(h)lĂ(i)nis(hg) vĂ©r(f!gh)si(h)bus(h) (;) hæc(ih) præ(gf)dĂ(ghg)cta.(f) (::)
In(d)fĂ©(f)lix(g) prĂł(e)pe(g)ra,(f) (;) cre(d)de(f) vel(g) vĂ©(e)te(g)ra :(f) (;) cur(h) dam(j)ná(i)be(hg)ris,(f) (;1) gens(g) mĂ(e)se(g)ra?(f) (::)
Quem(d) do(f)cet(g) lĂt(e)te(g)ra,(f) (;) na(d)tum(f) con(g)sĂ(e)de(g)ra :(f) (;) i(h)psum(j) gĂ©(i)nu(hg)it(f) (;1) pu(g)Ă©r(e)pe(g)ra.(f) (::) Al(f)le(gf)lĂş(ghg~)ia.(gf) (::)
Yes, the rules for Dominican chant are a little different to other families of the chant. In particular, the “flat” sign continues to be valid until the end of the line unless canceled by a natural sign. It is not voided by a bar line, not even a full bar or double bar. If a flat occurs in the next printed line of chant, the flat must be printed before that note. This is a bit awkward with gabc, since, when compiling the code, one does not know where the printed line will end. Some “trial and error” is required!
I have a plainsong ‘Laus Tibi Christe’ Gospel acclamation that I’m trying to notate but being a complete novice (I’ve only ever notated some existing Lalemant propers with the antiphons for Saints days) I’m not very good. It’s a very short acclamation and I’m hoping someone could help me.
Recently discovered this database. A great work. It seems that registration does not work. I entered my e-mail, but no confirmation arrived there.
May God bless you for all of your special hymns! These hymns are absolutely beautiful and sacred! Been using them in music class. Keep doing what you do Oliver. In Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, Michael
I just entered a score with nabc-Neumes. The result is funny.
How about upgrading Gregorio to a newer version?
Bonjour Monsieur,
Je suppose que vous ĂŞtes francophone ?
FĂ©licitations pour ce travail remarquable !
Cela dit, je me demande si vous n’auriez pas un dĂ©pĂ´t Git oĂą chacun pourrait contribuer (sur les gabc) Ă la manière de Git. C’est le modèle qui a Ă©tĂ© choisi par Mutopia, et il me semble très convaincant (c’est de toute façon «le» moyen de collaborer en dĂ©veloppement logiciel). En gardant Ă la rigueur la possibilitĂ© de faire autrement pour les gens peu informaticiens…
En vous remerciant,
Hello! It does not seem to be possible to download GABC or PDF files. In past months your “machine” has been very helpful. Thank you for setting it up!
Yours, Anders Ekenberg (Uppsala/Sweden)
Which chant are you trying to download?
Many of the chants here cite “Liber Hymnarius, Solesmes, 1983.” Is this in the Public Domain? I can’t find it on the internet.
Thank you.
It is not.
Hello, could you add the Antiphonale Solesmense 1935 in the database ? I can give you the link if necessary…
Warm regards.
Dominique Crochu (Rennes/France[Brittany, of course])
Is there a way that I can bulk download .gabc files from the database? And, as a side note, what is your recommended setup for typesetting? I am using TeXShop on a Mac but it is not quite as nice as a regular text editor (e.g., Sublime or VSCode).
I had a similar problem. My solution was to write a short script which loops over the ID’s of the scores and downloads each one of them. Write me, if you are interested (it’s in python).
Hello there. I’m not the original commenter, but if you see this, I would definitely like to hear more about your python script. I’ve been trying to do something similar but I’m running into problems downloading the scores. Thanks!
I would like to use a picture of this chant for professional use in a music education text book (it has nothing to do with chant, I just want to use if for a quick reference):
It appears like it is public domain, but I am unclear about how to cite this picture. The citation on the website links me here. Can somebody help? Thanks! Marci
Pages LXXVI and LXXVII of the Nocturnale Romanum appear to be broken images…
Fixed. Thanks!
I’m trying to put English translations to the notation of some Marian antiphons underneath the Latin text.
Using brackets after each Latin word or syllable, I can insert the English word or syllable in GABC but I can’t export it as a PDF or EPS in Illuminare.
Anyone know what I should do to properly add a second verse (for the English)?
Br. Matthew
Ladies and gentlemen,
there is a wrong link at “scores”:
Offertorium “Confessio” (Vatican)
Ulrich Terlinden
Fixed. Thanks for the report!
When I try to download some chants, I get an error: ERR_RESPONSE_HEADERS_MULTIPLE_CONTENT_DISPOSITION
It doesn’t matter what format I try to download, I always get that error. Here is one that it is happening on.
This is a great site.Thanks so much for your hard work
I cannot find St. Joseph’s hymn for May 1, ad officium lectionis “Te pater Joseph”
ha ha
so humble the Great Saint Joseph is…..
I transcribed it!
Hi, Could you put the monastic Tonus in Directum for Compline? The mediant is one accent with two prep. no incipit. The mediant is do ti la sol and the second half is recto.
This site has transformed my singing of the Offices!
Thank you!
Just a suggestion: removing the “” in the page ‘updates.php’
< echo "”.’ ‘.format_incipit($t[1]).”\n”;
> echo “”.’ ‘.format_incipit($t[1]).”\n”;
(The previous comment was formatted in HTML..)
The suggestion was to remove the “br” tag, line 35 of ‘updates.php’,
so the updates would appear in one single line instead of two.
Could you please add to your list of books the volume
“Antiphonæ et Responsoria – Tomus V (Proprium Sanctorum), MelosAntiqua, 2021”
Thank you!
Antiphonale Monasticum 1934 p. 127
Antiphona “Sit nomen Domini”
? Notes for “Domini” should be rĂ©-mi-rĂ©-do instead of do-rĂ©-rĂ©-do ?
Thank you so much for all your hard work and dedication!
Thanks for spotting the mistake. It is fixed.
There are a number of scores from the Liber Antiphonarius (1960) which should be kept separated from their Liber Usualis versions IMHO. The rhythmic marks are sometimes improved but the differences are not systematic, so I would ask for caution in merging the two entries, and the LU does place the accent in most two-syllable words. I find this extremely helpful for amateur singers in parishes. So on top of the Solesmes additions to the score, if that’s the only difference, I wonder if we can come to an agreement on those mergers.
That said, the additions of the Liber Antiphonarius entries sometimes resulted in the same LA score being entered twice, and not under the same title as their corresponding LU entry which sometimes displaces the entry. If the asterisk is the same, I am changing titles as I see them and think of it, but please feel free to revert this if it’s really a big issue (OR, to put more words than just the word before the asterisk: whatever is chosen, two unmerged entries left alone for a reason like I’ve outlined should not have a different title from each other, only enough to disambiguate unrelated antiphons with a similar incipit).
as an addendum: we should also strive for some consistency, if not internally, than with common usage: the Alma Redemptoris Mater is posted several times, mostly with “Alma Redemptoris” as the title and then with “Alma Redemptoris Mater” instead. Only the latter is ever used in my experience, and again, one of the two should be chosen and left alone.
please, can you add “Miserere (Psalmus 50)” in VIII tone (with G final cadence), included in Liber Usualis (Feria V in cena domini – ad Laudes), between the ant. “Justificeris Domine” and the ant. “Dominus tamquam ovis”?
In my edition of Solesmes’ Liber usualis the Miserere (Psalmus 50) in VIII tone is at page 646.
Thank you for your great work.
Best regards,
Laudetur Jesus Christus
Hi Olivier,
would you be kind to modify the way the psalm tone is displayed?
Desired requirement = “Mode” then dot then space then “Ending”,
for example: « 8. G » instead of « 8 G. »
Also the psalm tone Peregrinus shows two dots, an example is score 2051.
Something like that:
if($c[‘mode’] || $c[‘mode_var’]) {
if($c[‘mode’] == ‘p’) {
$mode = “T. pereg.”;
} elseif(in_array($c[‘mode’], array(‘c’,’d’,’e’))) {
// adding dot after mode
$mode = strtoupper($c[‘mode’]).’.’.($c[‘mode_var’]?’ ‘.$c[‘mode_var’]:”);
} else {
// adding dot after mode
$mode = $c[‘mode’].’.’.($c[‘mode_var’]?’ ‘.$c[‘mode_var’]:”);
// removing dot
$tex .= ‘\greannotation{\small \textbf{‘.$mode.”}}\n”;
This change proposal was submitted in Github.
Hi Olivier, are you looking into it eventually, or was it dismissed?
To Whom It May Concern:
Ave Maria! Can you tell me, please, if you have posted Dom Charpentier’s Ave Maria from the chanted Angelus (cf. )?
Thank you, and may Our Lady bless you!
Thank you so much for all of your hard work! This site is amazing.
Do you have a source for that interesting Salve Regina in the website header? I’d love to see the whole piece if it exists.
May God reward you!
Good evening,
I recently bought an antiphonary ancient page and discovered that it is the beginning of a chant named “Jesu corona celsior”.
I would like to have all the possibile information about it…….if it is possible, especially about its history
Greetings — I haven’t been able to find a contact form, but I’m looking to clarify the particulars of the source cited as “Verona” (for example, in Many thanks for any assistance you can provide.
These come from the publications of Dom Alberto Turco :
On the score 2042:
it should display page number 577.20 of the 1960 Liber Antiphonarius but it displays page 577.2 instead, like if the 0 was trimmed out.
It also happens with page number 577.10 but it works fine when the number does not end with 0.
Is it because PHP interprets ‘577.20’ as a float number, transforming 577.20 into 577.2 ?
I understand that the chant Eripe me Domine ab homine malo is copied from the 1961 Liber Usualis, but the chant is very much not a responsory, and it’s a tract in the other liturgical books. I propose changing this, but I don’t want to go ahead and do it since that would be a little controversial, since I try to respect the source material as much as possible. In this case, the source is misleading, and you won’t be able to find the chant if you’re using an older book (which a lot of people do out of necessity).
Interesting, the GR and LU indexes have two sections for Responsories:
GR pages 164** and 170** (Responsoria)
LU pages 75* and 91* (Responsories)
The first section mentions the two Responsories for Good Friday afternoon liturgy:
– Resp. Domini audivi : GR219 and LU721
– Resp. Eripe me : GR221 and LU725
The Liber Usualis says page 721: « The following Responsory is sung by the schola and the clergy, or recited by the celebrant with the servers »
Maybe it is an indication for the “response” aspect of this piece?
Well, if it looks like a tract, and if it’s in mode 2 or more 8, then it’s probably a tract… Also, singing tracts antiphonally (in the sense of alternation) would have been, and still is, common practice, but it’s not responsorial since it’s not ABA or ABA* ABA* (or ABA*CA — that’s how I think of the responsory with Gloria Patri).
I’m gonna be adding a few things from the 1892 Pustet Antiphonale. Can that be added as a source? I can email a PDF if needed.
I am wondering if you know the copyright status of the 2002 Nocturnale Romanum. I am interested in having a good quality scan of it uploaded online, so that people can use it to actually chant Matins, and even get the book reprinted if desired. I know you at least have many of the pages in the database with their corresponding scores. Before going to all the effort though, I wanted to make sure I wouldn’t get in trouble for it. I figured if anyone would know, it would be you.
Marcel Zijsltra suggested me to look on this database for Gregorius Praesul. However, I cannot find it.
Could you help me with this?
Thank you very much
I have a doubt and if someone can answer it for me, I will be very grateful. The hymn Antra deserti and O nimis felix in the Himnarius of the last edition has the first note of each strophe with a punctum mora. But in the previous editions it did not have that punctum (in this database, in fact, the hymn appears according to the 1983 edition, without punctum). I would like to know which of the two editions is an error. I am teaching the hymn to my community and since we have hymnals of different editions, there is a bit of confusion. Thank you!
Is there anywhere I can download the complete database with all of the scores etc?