Reported problems

Mulieres sedentes

duplicate of 4590 (Reported on 2021-03-05 by fiat)

Mulieres sedentes

duplicate of 4590 (Reported on 2021-03-05 by fiat)

Popule meus quid

Duplicate of 2847 (Reported on 2021-03-10 by fiat)

Hosanna filio David

duplicate of 2190 (Reported on 2021-03-16 by fiat)

Coeperunt omnes turbae

Duplicate of 2267 (Reported on 2021-03-16 by fiat)

Gratia Domini nostri (I)

Duplicate of (Reported on 2021-08-22 by JChong)

Dominus vobiscum ... Sursum corda (A. tonus simplex)

Duplicate of (Reported on 2021-08-22 by JChong)

Dominus vobiscum ... Sursum corda (B. tonus sollemnis)

Duplicate of (Reported on 2021-08-22 by JChong)

Credo I (forma ordinaria)

Duplicate of - not substantially different, only differing in the use of \"j\" (Reported on 2021-08-24 by JChong)

Gratia Domini

Duplicate of (Reported on 2021-08-28 by JChong)

Benedicat vos omnipotens Deus (Ad Benedictionem pontificalem)

Already part of (Reported on 2021-08-29 by JChong)

Gloria IX (forma ordinaria)

Duplicate of –not meaningfully different (Reported on 2021-09-04 by JChong)

Sanctus IX (forma ordinaria)

Duplicate of (Reported on 2021-09-05 by JChong)

Agnus Dei IX (forma ordinaria)

Duplicate of (Reported on 2021-09-05 by JChong)

Sanctus XI (forma ordinaria)

Duplicate of (Reported on 2021-09-08 by JChong)

Agnus Dei XI (forma ordinaria)

Duplicate of (Reported on 2021-09-08 by JChong)


Possible duplicate of 16416 (Reported on 2021-10-21 by xmarteo)

Disposui testamentum

Possible duplicate of 9180 (Reported on 2021-12-28 by xmarteo)

Nunc Sancte nobis (In Solemnitatibus)

Duplicate of 4628 (Reported on 2022-01-08 by rcarey)

Si ministratio

Requires .alt form of porrectus at intende. (Reported on 2022-02-16 by rleduc)


Duplicated of , 743 includes Gloria Patri and Sicut erat, which is not included in this one but Praenotanda says it should be sung anyway (Reported on 2022-02-28 by fkchaud)

Te saeculorum Principem

Duplicate of 2654 (Reported on 2022-04-09 by fiat)

Regina caeli laetare

Duplicate of 1976 (Reported on 2022-04-25 by fiat)

Regina caeli laetare

Duplicate of 2290 (Reported on 2022-04-25 by fiat)

Passio DNJC secundum Marcum

Needs a source. Vatican edition? (Reported on 2022-06-04 by DomMocquereau)

Passio DNJC secundum Lucam

Source? Vatican edition, most likely? (Reported on 2022-06-04 by DomMocquereau)

Passio DNJC secundum Matthaeum

Source? Vatican edition? (Reported on 2022-06-04 by DomMocquereau)

Ante diem festum Paschae

Needs a better title and \"canister\" for lack of a better word — it\'s a Gospel, but the rite and occasion should be specified. The tag has been removed as it\'s not a prophecy of the traditional Roman vigil. (I would prefer not to use tags; those are broken and useless until they are systematically proofread and fixed.) (Reported on 2022-06-04 by DomMocquereau)

In diebus illis: Factum est verbum Domini

Source? (Reported on 2022-06-04 by DomMocquereau)

In diebus illis: Dixit Dominus ad Moysen

Source? (Reported on 2022-06-04 by DomMocquereau)

In diebus illis: Facta est super me

Source? (Reported on 2022-06-04 by DomMocquereau)

In diebus illis: Factum est in vigilia

Source? (Reported on 2022-06-04 by DomMocquereau)

In diebus illis: Scripsit Moyses

Source? (Reported on 2022-06-04 by DomMocquereau)

In diebus illis: Tentavit Deus Abraham

Source? (Reported on 2022-06-04 by DomMocquereau)

In principio creavit

Source? (Reported on 2022-06-04 by DomMocquereau)

Congregati sunt inimici nostri

Duplicate of 15817 which has better spacing (Reported on 2022-07-24 by xmarteo)

Miserere mihi... ad te

Needs the header nabc-lines:1;
I do not see any way to add this in the online editors, and they do not show me the headers as in the downloaded gabc file.
(Reported on 2022-08-11 by gdweber)

Gaudete in Domino semper

duplicate of 1225 (Reported on 2022-08-19 by lvdovicvs)

Speciosus... Eructavit

Duplicate of 1308 (Reported on 2022-08-27 by lvdovicvs)

Iubilate Deo universa terra

Duplicate of 937 (Reported on 2022-10-24 by lvdovicvs)

Beata es Maria

#13018 and #13037 appear to be duplicates, except that one has and one lacks a comma after \"Domino\" (Reported on 2022-11-21 by gdweber)

Beata es Maria

#13018 and #13037 appear to be duplicates, except that one has and one lacks a comma after \"Domino\" (Reported on 2022-11-21 by gdweber)

Dominus dabit

The clef is defined as c3. It should be c4 (see Palmer & Burgess, and the Latin versions in Gregobase). (Reported on 2022-11-26 by Ian Williams)

Dominus dabit

The clef is defined as c3. It should be c4 (see Palmer & Burgess, and the Latin versions in Gregobase). (Reported on 2022-11-26 by Ian Williams)

Corde natus ex Parentis

The Si(Ti) should be flat, unless some other source has been used that *doesn\'t* have these, so I don\'t want to remove or change the score without more input; see the Parish Book of Chant (p. 237) for the usual score in plainchant notation. (Reported on 2022-12-20 by DomMocquereau)

Gressus meos

Duplicate of 18152. (Clef shifting can be effected after downloading.) (Reported on 2023-01-26 by fiat)

Tonus I

The full view does not appear (Reported on 2023-02-10 by Caniato)

Sacris solemniis

Notes missing from melody, typo problems, duplicate of 16201 (Reported on 2023-02-27 by xmarteo)

Dedisti hereditatem

Duplicate of 10824 (Reported on 2023-03-02 by xmarteo)


Duplicate. (Reported on 2023-03-17 by kurowski)


To remove. (Reported on 2023-03-17 by kurowski)


To remove. (Reported on 2023-03-17 by kurowski)


To remove. (Reported on 2023-03-17 by kurowski)

Felix namque es

This is a duplicate accidentally uploaded by me. Kindly remove. (Reported on 2023-04-11 by Martin Wallace)

Sacris Solemnis

This is a duplicate of 16201 (Reported on 2023-04-18 by rcarey)

Jam Christus astra

Doxology is pre-Urbanite (Reported on 2023-04-22 by Karlfrancisco4167)

Montes Gelboe

Duplicate of #2172 (Reported on 2023-05-22 by jklingler)

Quam speciosi pedes

duplicate of #17937 (Reported on 2023-05-30 by connor)

Quam speciosi pedes

duplicate of #17937 (Reported on 2023-05-30 by connor)

Quam speciosi pedes

duplicate of #17937 (Reported on 2023-05-30 by connor)

Postula a me

This isn\'t the Triplex-Version!
The neumes are an own invention! Remove it
(Reported on 2023-06-01 by Musica Sacra)

Benedicamus Patrem et Filium

Duplicate of 8712 (Reported on 2023-06-03 by DomMocquereau)

Postula a me

This isn\'t the Triplex-Version!
The neumes are an own invention! Remove it
(Reported on 2023-06-03 by Musica Sacra)

Sacerdos et pontifex

Custos on second line should be deleted. (Reported on 2023-07-10 by ExsurgatDeus)

Vidi aquam

I was not able to put the \"nabc-lines: 1;\" into the header via the edit button. (Reported on 2023-08-04 by MaestroGlanz)

Stabat mater 1

the transcription is only made for two first verses (Reported on 2023-08-24 by Piotr Wichowski)

Praefatio solemnis de Nativitate Domini

Proofread it by mistake (Reported on 2023-08-29 by Domingos Magacho)

Laudate Dominum omnes

Duplicate of 8234 to be soft-deleted (Reported on 2023-09-08 by xmarteo)

In conspectu Angelorum

Duplicate entry
(Reported on 2023-10-13 by mileskbertrand)


Duplicate of 15561 (Reported on 2023-12-03 by wilson)


Pour la reproduction de l\'édition vaticane, parfois les majuscules n’ont pas été accentuées (comme dans l\'édition imprimée elle-même), parfois elles ont été rajoutées par le “transcriber”. D\'un point de vue typographique, les majuscules s\'accentuent ; on ne le faisait pas à l\'époque des caractères en plomb parce que l\'on n\'avait pas les caractères correspondant (comme l\'a expliqué le typographe Yves Perrousseaux). Sur GregoBase, quel parti prendre ? 1. L’ajout des accents sur les majuscules. 2. La copie conforme ? (Reported on 2023-12-18 by quotidianus)

Beata es Maria

This should be deleted. (Reported on 2024-01-17 by mileskbertrand)

Ave Maria

Duplicate with 12056, this should be deleted
(Reported on 2024-01-26 by mileskbertrand)

Simile est regnum caelorum

Duplicate (Reported on 2024-01-30 by DomMocquereau)

Viri Galilaei

This is the same as (Reported on 2024-01-31 by dvalerio)

Voca operarios

Duplicate of 1898 (Reported on 2024-02-02 by wilson)

Salvete flores Martyrum

Duplicate of 1963 (Reported on 2024-02-28 by Paul Bretschneider)

Exsultet orbis gaudiis (Pro S. Joanne Evang.)

Duplicate of 2191 (Reported on 2024-02-28 by Paul Bretschneider)

Exsultet orbis gaudiis

Duplicate of 2194 (Reported on 2024-02-28 by Paul Bretschneider)

Exsultet orbis gaudiis (Alter tonus)

Duplicate of 2351 (Reported on 2024-02-28 by Paul Bretschneider)

Deus tuorum militum (Pro S. Stephano)

Duplicate of 2126 (Reported on 2024-02-28 by Paul Bretschneider)

Domine tu mihi

Duplicate of 736 (Reported on 2024-03-27 by Paul Bretschneider)

Exsurge Domine adjuva

Duplicate of 30 (Reported on 2024-04-17 by Paul Bretschneider)

Alleluia (T. P. Vesp. Fer. III.)

duplicate of #2293 (Reported on 2024-04-18 by youakrim)

Christum Dei Filium qui suo

duplicate of 7281 (Reported on 2024-06-23 by igneus)

Litaniae (in Vigil. pasch.)

I didn\'t proofread, yet it says:
Geremia (Aug 11, 2024)
Geremia (Aug 11, 2024)
Geremia (Aug 11, 2024)
(Reported on 2024-08-12 by Geremia)

Pange lingua... Corporis

Download 1st verse results all verses (Reported on 2024-09-04 by booncharat)

Rector potens (In Festis Majoribus)

Duplicate of 2239 (Reported on 2024-09-11 by DomMocquereau)

Te Joseph

duplicate of 10159 (Reported on 2024-10-15 by dsm)

Omnis sanctorum concio

duplicate of 8839 (Reported on 2024-10-16 by dsm)

Jesu salvator saeculi

duplicate of 9032 (Reported on 2024-10-16 by dsm)


No source. Impossible to proofread or further organize without a source. (Reported on 2024-10-18 by DomMocquereau)


this is redundant (it is obviously the Paschal Vigil ant. \"Allelúia\" but the wrong clef is transcribed; with the Fa clef on the top line, it\'s far too low to sing…) and needs to be deleted. (Reported on 2024-10-18 by DomMocquereau)

Christum pastorum principem

14153 seems to be a subset of 14154 (Reported on 2024-11-04 by gdweber)

Lux aeterna

I don\'t know how to delete this score, created my mistake. (Reported on 2024-11-12 by Ian Williams)

Iste Confessor (Conf. not Bishop)

Duplicate of id=18950 (Reported on 2024-12-06 by mileskbertrand)

Sepelierunt Stephanum

Duplicate of id=1962 (Reported on 2024-12-26 by mileskbertrand)

Iste Confessorum Domini (in Feriis tertiis)

Italics persist after \"Si non est dies obitus ... mutatur\", although there is clearly an </i> there. (Reported on 2025-01-28 by gdweber)