Quodcumque in orbe
- Solesmes 1961
- Hymnus
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When comparing "Erit solútum caeli in alto vértice" to "Honor tibi decúsque : sancta júgiter", the former has more notes. If "-tum" is a single punctum and "-li" is skipped (occlusion), the number of notes will be the same.
"Erit solútum caeli in alto vértice" is originally "E(g)rit(hi) so(h)lú(gh)tum(h) (,) cae(h)l{
- Jan 09, 2025: (Jacques Perriere) ?
- Apr 02, 2023: space after key, space :, QUodcúmque, per-énne, ínclytas, o-mne, Amen, double punctum mora, elisions, "2." for 2nd verse, punctuation, LU extends 2 pages, LA page 597 (Jacques Perriere) ?
- Jul 21, 2018: Mode was missing. (jeremy.chua.wl) ?
- Jul 20, 2018: slight amendment to "Petre" (jeremy.chua.wl) ?
- Jul 19, 2018: Added to the database (jeremy.chua.wl) ?
The Liber Usualis, Solesmes, 1961, p. 1334 ◀ ▶
Liber antiphonarius, Solesmes, 1960, p. 597 ◀ ▶