Kyrie Orbis factor

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Recorded by Ensemble Organum, Graduel d'Aliénor de Bretagne: Plain-chant et polyphonies des XIIIe et XIVe siècles, conducted by Marcel Pérès (Arles: Harmonia Mundi, 1993).

For ‘Kyrie eleison’ and ‘Christe eleison’, the manuscript provides only an untexted reference line of music after the first verse. This edition follows Ensemble Organum’s interpretation of this as a prompt for repetition of each verse’s music, as an eighteenfold Kyrie. It may alternatively be a direction for untroped performance as a ninefold Kyrie.

Text emended with reference to Anton Stingl, Tropen zum Kyrie im Graduale Romanum (St. Ottilien, Oberbay: EOS Verlag, 2011), 45–49. The source manuscript reads ‘pietatis rex’ instead of ‘pietatis fons’; and ‘uiuamus uite’ for ‘uiuamus in te’.

language: Latin;
office-part: kyrie;
date: 1250s;
manuscript: Fontevraud Gradual;
manuscript-reference: Limoges, Bibliothèque francophone multimédia, MS 2, fols 247v–248r;
transcription-date: 20200102;
