History - Media vita

Apr 05, 2019 (Martin Wallace)

Very minor correction to the gabc code - did not affect the display.

"(c4)\r\n<c>M</c>\u00e9(d)di(e)a(f) vi(g)ta(fe) (;1) in(dh) m\u00f3r(h)te(gf) su(gvFE)mus :(e) (:) quem(dh) qu<sp>'ae</sp>(h)ri(g)mus(ghg) ad(fe)ju(fg)t\u00f3(ge/fvED)rem,(ed) (;1) n\u00ed(dc)si(fh) te,(gh) D\u00f3(f)mi(egff)ne,(fe) (:) qui(d) pro(e) pec(f)c\u00e1(g)tis(e) n\u00f3(fvED)stris(ed) (;1) jus(dg/h)te(g) i(g)r\u00e1(gf/gh)sce(eg/FE)ris?(e) <c>*</c>(:) San(h)cte(gh/ijIHGgvFED) De(egFE)us,(e) (;) San(h)cte(gh/ijIHGgvFED) for (egFE)tis,(e ;) San(h)cte(gh/ijIHGgvFED) et(fv) mi(d)s\u00e9(e)ri(f)cors(g) Sal(e)v\u00e1(fe)tor,(d) (;) am(f)\u00e1(h)r\u00e6(g) mor(hv)ti(fe) ne(dg) tr\u00e1(gf/gh)das(egFED) nos.(e) (::)(z)<alt>Sequens V. cantetur ab uno cui injunctum fuerit, Choro sedente</alt> <c><sp>V/</sp></c>(::) Ne(dh) pro(h)j\u00ed(h)ci(hg)as(h/ijIH) nos(ih) (;) in(g) t\u00e9m(gh)po(g)re(gf) se(gh)nec(g)tu(ef)tis;(ed) (:) cum(fv) de(d)f\u00e9(e)ce(f)rit(g) vir(g)tus(g) nos(gh/ijIH)tra,(ih) (;) ne(g) de(g)re(g)l\u00edn(gv)quas(g) nos,(ghg) D\u00f3(fe)mi(de)ne.(e)(::) <c>*</c> San(h)cte(gh/ijIHGgvFED) (::)"

Removed an unwanted bar in the middle of 'nostra'. Formerly the antiphon in the Dominican Rite for the Nunc Dimittis at Compline from 3rd Sunday in Lent until Passion Sunday, this famous text is now sung as the Responsory on Saturdays, Sundays, feasts and Solemnities in Lent. LIt may be transferred to Vespers when Compline is not sung.