History - In monte Oliveti
Feb 10, 2021 (fiat)
Removed icti, for consistency
"(c4)In(f) mon(f)te(f) O(e)li(f)v\u00e9(gh)ti(h) (,) * o(h)r\u00e1(h)vit(g) ad(e) Pa(fe)trem:(d) (:) Pa(h)ter,(hk) si(j) f\u00ed(j)e(i)ri(g) po(hg)test,(e) (;) tr\u00e1n(d)se(d)at(f') a(e) me(g') ca(ixi)lix(h') i(j)ste:(g) (:) * Sp\u00ed(h)ri(h)tus(f) qui(g)dem(h) prom(ixi)tus(h) est,(g) (;) ca(g)ro(h) au(f)tem(e) in(f)f\u00edr(gf)ma.(f) (::) <sp>V/</sp>. Vi(f)gi(g)la(ixi)te,(h) et(g) o(f)r\u00e1(g)te,(gh) (;) ut(h) non(h) in(h)tr\u00e9(g)tis(f) in(f) ten(f)ta(e)ti(d)\u00f3(fg)nem.(g) (::) * Spi(h)ri(h)tus(h) qui(g)dem.(h) (::)"
Source: Laudes Festivae, OSB, 1940; p. 62
I left out mostall sylistic markings above the staff, keeping only the icti.