History - Rorate... Ps. Caeli enarrant

May 28, 2021 (Jacques Perriere)

punctum mora up + Remark: The position of the alteration differs between GR and LU.

"(c4) RO(cd)r\u00e1(ixdh'!iv)te(h') *(,) c\u00e6(hjjh)li(h_g) d\u00e9(h!iwj)su(j.i!jwkjk)per,(kj..) (;) et(f) nu(ixhih)bes(g) plu(jjh)ant(h.) ju(g_f/hvGF/gf)stum:(f.) (:) a(f)pe(g)ri(h)\u00e1(h!iwj)tur(g) ter(fgF'D)ra,(d.) (;) et(dfe) g\u00e9r(fg)mi(g)net(fgFD.1) Sal(d!ewf)va(ced)t\u00f3(ded___)rem.(d.) <i>Ps.</i>(::) C\u00e6(f)li(gh) e(h)n\u00e1r(h)rant(h) gl\u00f3(hj)ri(h)am(h) De(hg)i:(gh..) *(:) et(gf) \u00f3(gh)pe(h)ra(h) m\u00e1(h)nu(h)um(h) e(h)jus(h.) (,) an(h)n\u00fan(h)ti(h)at(hjh) fir(g')ma(f)m\u00e9n(fff)tum.(d.) (::) Gl\u00f3(f)ri(gh)a(h) Pa(h)tri(h) (::) E(h) u(hjh) o(g') u(f) a(fff) e(dc/df..) (::)"

The position of the alteration differs between GR and LU. The gabc reflects the position in the LU.