History - Tenuisti manum

Jun 15, 2021 (Jacques Perriere)

dot after Glória Patri and Euouae + Remark: sus-cepísti: sus-cepísti: do the books have it right?

"(c2) TE(cd)nu(c)\u00ed(c!d'f)sti(f) *(,) ma(gfg)num(g) d\u00e9x(g/iii)ter(g)ram(ghf~) me(g!hwihi)am:(hg..) (:) et(g) in(gf) vo(g)lun(i)t\u00e1(h/iji)te(i) tu(hiHG'h)a(hg..) (,) de(g)du(gi)x\u00ed(i)sti(i_h/ivHG'h) me,(hg..) (:) et(gh) cum(fg) gl\u00f3(g)ri(fg)a(ghgg/efe.) (,) su(ef!ghg)sce(gffd!ewf)p\u00ed(c)sti(cdc___) me.(c.) <i>Ps.</i>(::) Quam(cfe) bo(fg)nus(g) Is(gi)ra(h)el(h) De(hg)us,(gh..) *(:) his(ge) qui(fg) re(g!hwi)cto(g') sunt(f) cor(fff)de!(dc..) (::) Gl\u00f3(cfe)ri(fg)a(g) Pa(g)tri.(g) (::) E(g) u(g!hwi) o(g') u(f) a(fff) e.(dc..) (::)"

sus-cepísti: do the books have it right?