History - Concupivit rex

Jun 16, 2021 (Jacques Perriere)

'decórem' in one word, in-clína, three punctum mora up, one punctum mora down, Liber Usualis page 1230 + Remark: incorrect 'de córem' in the Graduale Romanum, correct 'decórem' in one word in the Liber Usualis.

"(c4) COn(dh~)cu(h)p\u00ed(ixhih/ghGF.hiHG'hw!ivHGhi)vit(h.) *() rex(h!jjkvJH.ixgiH'Gh.) (,) de(f!gwhg) c\u00f3(h)rem(ghG'Efgf/g_h) tu(d!ewfd)um,(d.) (:) qu\u00f3(h)ni(hg)am(gj) i(jkj)pse(jijvIH) est(iij) (,) D\u00f3(g)mi(g.h!iw!jvIH)nus(h.) tu(ixfhhg!jjvH'G//hig)us.(efd/f_h//ghG'Ef_g//fgFD.1) <sp>V/</sp>.(::) Au(d)di(dh) f\u00ed(h)li(h)a,(hjH'GF.eg/hgh//fgFD.1) (,) (cd/fd cd!ff/g.h!iw!jvIH.) (;) et(h) vi(h)de,(hjH'Gh!jjjh//jjjvIH'jggf.0) (:) et(f) inc(f)cl\u00ed(ghgh.ixfh!ivGF'E//f!gwh!ivHG)na(hg__) *(,) au(g)rem(gh~) tu(ixjhiGF'h!jjvH'G)am.(hghF'Efg..) (,) (d!ewf!gv.fhGF'ED'ewfd.1) (::)"

incorrect 'de córem' in the Graduale Romanum, correct 'decórem' in one word in the Liber Usualis.
