History - Beata es Virgo Maria

Feb 14, 2022 (rleduc)

Error in source regarding key change (added remark); numerous quilismas fixed; extra stem at "in", missing note at "tibi", syllabification at exaltata; wholesale replace of V/ and GP for key change reasons.


{\itshape\mdseries \Rbar\ Cantor \Vbar\ Luc.1,28;\/} {\bfseries H298}

"(c4)Be(c)\u00e1(dffg)ta(f) es,<sp>*</sp>(f) <v>\\greheightstar</v>() Vir(fg~)go(f) Ma(f)r\u00ed(ghgh)a,(gf) De(f)i(fg) G\u00e9(g)ne(gf!gwhgh)trix,(hg) (;) qu\u00e6(f) cre(f)di(f)d\u00ed(d!ewfED)sti(ixFGhvig!hwiHG) D\u00f3(f)mi(FGhvGFg)no:(gf) (:) per(fj<)f\u00e9(jk)cta(j) sunt(hiHGhg) in(h!i!wjh!iwjij) te(ih) (;) qu\u00e6(h) di(j)cta(ij) sunt(hhg/gf) ti(FGhvGFg)bi:(gf) (:) ec(f)ce(h) ex(h!iwj)xal(g<)t\u00e1(f)ta(fdfs~fs~/fvECd) es(dc/ded) (,) su(c)per(d) cho(fgf)ros(fe) An(fh)ge(ixhjHGhwiHG)l\u00f3(FGhvGFg)rum:(gf) \u2020(;) In(f)ter(h)c\u00e9(h!iwj)de(g) pro(f) no(f)bis(bxgffd/fc/dcco<O1b) ad(c) D\u00f3(df)mi(f)num,(fe~) Je(f!go1!hv)sum(ixhjHGhwiHG) n\u00f3(FGhvGFg)strum.(gf) (z0::c3)\r\n\u2123.(::)<sp>V/</sp> A(jh)ve,(jk/js~js~hihHssfgf) Ma(jh)r\u00ed(jkh)a,(jhi) gr\u00e1(hf)ti(fi)a(gh) ple(hg!hwihi)na,(ih) (;) %quilisma at plena; fixed pitch at Ave Maria for key change;\r\nD\u00f3(hg/hg)mi(gf)nus(hi) te(hg!hwihGFg)cum.(gf) \u2020(z0::c4) %quilisma in te;\r\n<sp>+</sp> In(df)ter(fh)c\u00e9(fgh!iwj)de.(eg) \u2123.(::c3) \r\n<sp>V/</sp> Gl\u00f3(h)ri(h)a(hi/hs~hs~fgf) Pa(hf)tri,(fi) et(gh) F\u00ed(h)li(hg!hwihi)o,(ih) <v>\\greheightstar</v>(;) \r\net(h) Spi(h)r\u00ed(hg/0hg)tu(gf)i(hi) San(hg!hwihGFg)cto.(gf) \u2020 (z0::c4) %wholesale replace GP just to be sure;\r\n<sp>+</sp> In(df)ter(fh)c\u00e9(fgh!iwj)de.(eg) (::)"

Error in source; key change at Verse results in wrong notes at -ve Maria - tone should match the GP. Because line breaks may differ, I've moved the key change to the start of the verse, with key changes for the repeat Intercede; those could be retypeset in clef (c3) a third lower if that bothers the user; I prefer to have the prompt for the key change before my eye makes the jump to the repeated portion.