History - Interrogavit Tobias Angelum

Feb 22, 2022 (rleduc)

Inclination at eat; expand remark about rendering the proper style of Torculus resupinus.

"(c4)In(f)ter(de~)ro(e)g\u00e1(e)vit(egfss/ded) <v>\\greheightstar</v>(,) To(e!fwgf)b\u00ed(efED)as(fd/efe) An(evDC)ge(dfef)lum:(eeo@fv) (;) De(d) qua(g) do(hi)mo,(h) aut(hg~) de(h) qua(ivHGh) tri(hg)bu(e) es(egffs) tu?(fe) (:) Qui(e!fwg@hv) re(g)sp\u00f3n(h!iwji/jkj~)dens,(hvGFghgh~) a(hi)it:(h) (;) \u2020 E(e)go(gh) sum(h>) A(h)za(h)r\u00ed(hg)as,(hih/ghg/go~/efe) (,) A(e)na(f)n\u00ed(g)\u00e6(fgfED) ma(f!gwhg/hihg~)gni(hg) f\u00ed(e)li(egffs)us.(fe) (:) \r\n<sp>V/</sp>. Ge(h)nus(gf!gwhg/hvGEfe) qu\u00e6(g)ris(g) mer(g)ce(g)n\u00e1(gh)ri(g)i,(g) (,) an(g) i(g)psum(gf~) mer(gh)ce(gf)n\u00e1(e)ri(e!fwgf)um,(fe) (;) qui(f) cum(de~) f\u00ed(e)li(e)o(e) tu(e)o(e) e(e@fo1)at?(e) (,) Sed(e) ne(e) for(ef~)te(e) sol(e!fwgFE)l\u00ed(g)ci(ghg/hvGF)tus(EF!gef) sis.(ed) (::) \u2020 E(e)go.(gh) (::)"

There is a torculus resupinus liquescens that I cannot render as it is in the score. [edit - add tex commands as follows: \grechangeglyph{TorculusResupinus*}{*}{.alt} \gregorioscore{...this gabc file...} \greresetglyph{TorculusResupinus*} Or these commands can be added in gabc as note-level macros: Before %%: def-m1:\grechangeglyph{TorculusResupinus*}{*}{.alt}; def-m2:\greresetglyph{TorculusResupinus*}; %% ... change gabc file to read: ... dens,([nm1]hvGFghgh~) a([nm2]hi) As of this writing, only the first way works for me but the second is also supposed to.