History - Ponam in eis signum
Jul 25, 2022 (Jacques Perriere)
annuntiƔbunt, space :, star before bars, punctum mora before episema, raising episemas, Remark: looking for source score
"(c4) PO(ixdh'!iv)nam(h) <v>\\greheightstar</v>(,) <v>\\greheightstar</v> in(h) e(f)is(ghg) si(ixivHGhi)gnum,(h.) (;) di(fh)cit(hgh) D\u00f3(jh/jjk)mi(j)nus :(j.) (:) et(kl) mit(kj)tam(j) ex(j) e(jkJH'/i)is(h.) (;) ad(hf) e(gh)os,(hg) qui(h) non(ji) au(jk~)di(kj)\u00e9(jkh)runt(hgj) de(j) me :(jkh.___.) (:) et(jjj) an(hg~)nun(ixihi)ti(g)\u00e1(fgh)bunt(h_g) (,) gl\u00f3(h/jjj)ri(hg)am(ge) me(fg/hg)am(ghF'Ef') g\u00e9n(d)ti(d_[oh:h]e_[oh:h]d___[oh:h])bus.(d.) (::) \r\n<i>Ps.</i> C\u00e6(f)li(gh) e(h)n\u00e1r(h)rant(h) gl\u00f3(hj)ri(h)am(h) De(hg)i :(gh..) (:) <v>\\greheightstar</v>(:) et(gf) \u00f3(gh)pe(h)ra(h) m\u00e1(h)nu(h)um(h) e(h)jus(h) (,) an(h)n\u00fan(h)ti(h)at(hjh) fir(g')ma(f)m\u00e9n(fff)tum.(d.) (::) Gl\u00f3(f)ri(gh)a(h) Pa(h)tri.(h) (::)\r\nE(h) u(hjh) o(g') u(f) a(fff) e.(d.) (::)"
Introit for the Mass of the Feast of St. James, Apostle in Spain.
Is there a PDF or picture for the source score? https://forum.musicasacra.com/forum/discussion/20131