History - Ipsum elegit Dominus
Jul 25, 2022 (Jacques Perriere)
pot-estátem, space :, double punctum mora, lowering one episema, Remark: looking for source score
"(c4) I(ed)psum(g) *() e(g)l\u00e9(i)git(ih) D\u00f3(j)mi(i)nus(h.) (,) in(gj~) sa(j)l\u00fa(j)tem(j_h~) g\u00e9n(i)ti(h)um :(g.) (:) de(gk'!lv)dit(k) il(kjk)li(k) (,) in(k) pr\u00e6(j)c\u00e9(jg)ptis(h) su(j)is(ig) pot(h)te(j)st\u00e1(ikjj)tem(j.i..) (;) do(j)c\u00e9(jji)re(hg) Ja(h)cob(ef) te(g)sti(f)m\u00f3(gh)ni(g)a,(e.) (:) et(g) in(g) le(j)ge(i) su(h)a(g_[uh:l]h) (,) lu(hg)cem(h!iwj) da(g)re(ghG'Fghg') Is(e)ra(egf)el.(f.e..) (::)"
Communion for the Mass of the Feast of St. James, Apostle in Spain.
Is there a PDF or picture for the source score? https://forum.musicasacra.com/forum/discussion/20131