History - Virginis Proles

Aug 19, 2022 (xmarteo)

Fixed GABC that was riddled with tabs and excessive spacing. Added remark on absence of source.

"V\u00edr(h)gi(f)nis(g) \tPro(gh)les,(g.f..) \r\nO(h)pi(h)f\u00e9x(hjh)que (i) \tMat(g.)ris,(g.) (;)\r\nVir(j)go (i) quem (k) \tges(j)sit,(i.j..) \t\r\npe(h)pe(g)r\u00edt(h)que (i)\t Vir(hh)go:(g.) (;)\r\nV\u00edr(gh)gi(j)nis(i) \tfes(ghg)tum (e.)\r\nc\u00e1(f)ni(g)mus (e) \tbe(f)\u00e1(e)t\u00e6(d.) (;)\r\nAc(h)ci(f)pe (fg) \tvo(gh)tum.(g.) (::) (z)\r\n\r\n"

2. Hu(h)ius (f) ob(g)tén(gh)tu,(g.f..) De(h)us(h) al(hjh)me,(i) no(g.) bis(g.) (;) Par(j)ce (i) iam (k) cul(j)pis,(i.j..) ví(h)ti(g)a(h) re(i)mít(hh)tens,(g.) (;) Quo (gh) ti(j)bi(i) pu(ghg)ri(e.) re(f)so(g)né(e)mus(f) al(e)mum(d.) (;) Péc(h) to(f) ris (fg) hym(gh) num.(g.) (::) (z) 3. Gló(h)ri(f)a(g) Pa(gh)tri ,(g.f..) ge(h)ni(h)tǽ(hjh)que (i) Pro(g.)li,(g.) (;) Et(j) ti(i)bi (k) com(j)par (i.j..) ut(h)ri(g)ús(h)que (i) sem(hh)per(g.) (;) Spí(gh)ri(j)tus (i) al(ghg)me,(e.) De(f) us (g) un(e)us, (f) om(e)ni(d.) (;) Tém(h)po(f)re (fg) sæ(gh)cli.(g.) (::)

This /really/ needs a source and more metadata. Please add it if you have the info.