History - Leva in circuitu

Oct 27, 2022 (Jacques Perriere)

unneeded slash spaces, unneeded zero-width space, medium space, star after bar, adding a clivis on 'tibi' (cf. Remark)

"(c4) AL(c)le(d)l\u00fa(ixed/hi){ia}.(h.) *(,) * <i>ij.</i>(ghG'Fhv.fgF'EgvF'ED.) (;) (ce!gvgef//deDC.) (,) (c!ff//eg'!hvF'EC'/ewfd.1) (::) <sp>V/</sp>. Le(dffeggvFE'fd)va(d.) in(de) cir(cd)c\u00fa(ixdh/jjh/iggf)i(gh)tu(hv.dh/jjh/iggf/ghh/d!ef!hvGE'/fd.) (;) \u00f3(cd!fvvED'e!f'g)cu(f)los(ghhg.) (,) tu(fhhg/hvGFgvFE'D)os,(ed) et(cd) vi(d!ewfef)de :(ed..) (:) o(h)mnes(g) i(h)sti(h) con(g)gre(h)g\u00e1(jk/jkj/hiH'G/jv//gjjvIH'G)ti(fg) sunt,(gddcf/ghh//fhghF'ED'Cd.) (;) * ve(e)n\u00e9(c)runt(d) ti(ixed/hi)bi.(h.) (,) (ghG'F/hv.fgF'E/gvF'ED.) (;) (ce/!gvgef//deDC.) (,) (c!ff//eg'!hvF'EC'ewfd.1) (::)"

It is possible a clivis on 'tibi' is missing in the book, so it would match the jubilus, cf. similar Alleluia: scores 438, 706 and 1114.