History - Sicut abundant

Nov 04, 2022 (Jacques Perriere)

unneeded zero-width spaces, adding one quarter bar + one note (cf. Remark)

"(c4) AL(gf~)le(d!ef/ghg___)l\u00fa(fg~){ia}.(g.) *(;) <i>ij.</i>(ghg/fgf/deddc.) //////(,) (cd!ef!gv'1//hihhg.) (::) <sp>V/</sp>. Sic(cd)ut(e!fwg) a(g)b\u00fan(ghgjvIHG'Efg~)dant(g) pas(g)si(gvFD)\u00f3(eddc)nes(c.) (,) Chri(cd)sti(ef/ghg___) in(fg~) no(g)bis,(g.) (:) i(gvFD)ta(e!fg) et(hg) per(fg) Chri(ghg___)stum(g.) (,) a(j)b\u00fan(jvIHjvIG'hg~)dat(g.) con(d)so(ef)l\u00e1(ghg)ti(fe)o(fg) *() no(g)stra.(g.) (,) (ghg/fgf/deddc.) (,) (cd!ef!gv'1//hihhg.) (::)"

Probably a quarter bar is missing in the jubilus + one note at the end to mimic the jubilus (cf. scores 377, 635 and 1020)