History - Dilexit justitiam

Nov 11, 2023 (Jacques Perriere)

[["tex","\\grechangedim{linepunctummorashift}{-0.02 cm}{scalable}\r\n\\gresetclivisalignment{never}",{}],["gabc","(c4) DI(d)l\u00e9(dd)xit(c) ju(d)st\u00ed(f_g)ti(fe)am(d_fddc.) <clear>*(,) et(f') o(g)d\u00ed(h)vit(g') in(h)i(gf)qui(f)t\u00e1(g)tem,(f.) (;) pro(h)pt\u00e9r(g)e(h)a(g) m\u00f3(fe)ri((fg)tur(gvF'_ED.) (,) in(dd) ex(c)s\u00ed(d)li(fgf)o(dcd.) (::) <i>T. P.</i> Al(e)le(fe)l\u00fa(d.){ia}.(d.) (::) <eu>E(h) u(h) o(g) u(f) a(gh) e.</eu>(gvFED.) (::)",{}]]

The text is the Benedictus/Magnificat Antiphon for the feast of St Edmund of Abingdon, Confessor Bishop (16 Nov).\r Translation: « He hath loved justice and hated iniquity, therefore he dies in exile. »\r We haven't found the official melody for this text yet,\r so this is a personal composition based on the Magnificat Antiphon 'Sacerdos et Pontifex', score 2223, page 1173 from the Liber Usualis.