History - Taceat Mundus (Oxyrhynchus hymn)
Jul 31, 2024 (CantorCole)
Adding translation to the notes section, and improving punctuation
"(c4)Ta(h)ce(f)at(hgf) mun(cg)dus:;(g.) * Non(ixgfi) lu(ixij)ce(i)ant(hgf) si(fg)de(g)ra(f) su(fg)a(e) lu(f)mi(gf)na.(f.) (:)\r\nPla(h/gc)ci(d)de(f) ven(gh)tos,(f) mu(e)ta(d) flu(ffg)mi(f)na.(f) (:)\r\nLau(ixh_ijk)dent(j) om(h)nes(g) Pa(fgfgixhif/ghih)trem(h.) (,) et(d) Fi(fe)li(fg/hg)um(f.) (,) et(g) Spi(h)ri(ixi)tum(h) San(ixjji/kjkj)ctum!(k.j.) (:)\r\nCan(fh)tent(gfe) om(fg)nes(f) si(fg)mul:(g.) (,) A(hhhjhfgfede)men,(f.) (,) A(dfffgfhfded)men.(d.) (:)\r\nA(h)do(f)rent(hgf) re(cg)ges,(g.) (,) et(ixgfi) De(ixijk)us(h) su(fgwh)sci(h)pi(g)at(f) glo(ixhgi)ri(hgh)am!(f.) (:)\r\nU(h)ni(g)cus(f) da(ixhij)tor(h) bo(f)no(gfe)rum,(f.) (,) A(hhhjhfgfede)men,(f.) A(dfffgfhfded)men.!(d.) (::)"
Let the world be silent; Let not the stars shine their lights.
Calm the winds, silence the rivers.
Let all praise the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit!
Let all sing together: "Amen, Amen!"
Let kings bow, and God receive the glory!
The sole giver of good things, Amen Amen!