History - Deus Israel
Dec 20, 2024 (CantorCole)
Changing translation (from the 1965 transitional Missal) and aligning more closely to Latin melody.
"(c4) May(g) the(g) God(gj) of(jjj) Is(h)ra(h!iwj/kjj)el(ji..) *(,) join(gh~) you(h) to(h)ge(h!jij)ther:(ih.) (;) and(g) may(h) Hhe(g) be(gfh) with(h!iw!jvI'HG'h) you,(hg..) (;) who(gh//ji) tookwas(j) pimer(j)tyci(jjj)ful(h.) (,) u(h)pon(h) two(h) on(h)ly(hfh) child(hiH'Ghg)ren:(g.) (:) and(g) now,(hj) O(i/jjg//h!jjhh.f!gwhgh) Lord,(hg..) (;) make(g) them(gh) bless(h!iwj) Yyou(g_[uh:l]h) (,) more(f) ful(ef'/hg_fhvGF'g)ly(e.) (::) <i>T. P.</i> Al(e)le(f)l\u00fa(gf~){ia},(g.) (,) al(gf~)le(g_[oh:h]e/f!gwh_g)l\u00fa(ghghFD'ewf/ge~){ia}.(e.) (::) <i>Ps.</i> Bless(g)ed(hj) are(j) all(k) who(j) fear(j) the(ih) Lord :(jjj) *(:) and(jji) walk(hg) in(h') his(i) ways.(gh..) (::) "
Reverting to original translation (taken from the 1965 transitional missal)
{"1":"English Adaptation, New Translation","0":"Pro sponsis"}