History - Credo III

Feb 20, 2025 (Hank Igitur)

Removed from "and by the Holy Spirit..." and replaced them with crosses at the beginning and end of the verse. Removed first note in "of all things", unnecessary. Rearranged a few notes to become more pleasant to the English ear.

"(c3)\r\n<c>I(h) be(f)lieve(d) in(gxgf) one(fvED) God,(d.) *(::) the(gxfg) fa(fh)ther(f) al(d)migh(e)ty,(d.;) ma(d)ker(f) of(gxg) hea(h)ven(h) and(i) earth,(h.;) of(ik) all(jhi) things(h.;) vi(h)si(f)ble(d) and(gxg) in(f)vi(fde)si(e)ble(d.::) I(h) be(h)lieve(f) in(f) one(d) Lord(e.) Je(gxfg)sus(e) Christ,(d.,) the(f) on(f)ly(f) be(f)got(gxg)ten(e) Son(h) of(i) God,(h.::) born(f) of(e) the(gxg) Fa(fde)ther(d.,) be(f)fore(hi) all(h) a(fde)ges.(d.::) God(h) from(h) God,(fd,) light(e) from(e) light(fvED.,) true(hi) God(h.) from(k) true(jhi) God,(h.::) be(f)got(f)ten,(e.) not(gxg) made,(fded.,) con(f)sub(f)stan(h)tial(h) with(i) the(h) Fa(gxg)ther;(h.;) through(ik) him(j) all(h) things(i) were(gxg) made.(h.::) For(h) us(f) men(hih.,) and(d) for(d) our(d) sal(e)va(gxfg)tion(h.,) He(i) came(j) down(k) from(jh) hea(i)ven,(h.::) <c>and(h) <c>by(f) <c>the(f) <c>Ho(d)<c>ly(d) <c>Spir(e)<c>it(d.) <v>\\grecross</v>w(::) asnd(h) by(f) <c>in(the)<c>car(f)<c>na Ho(d)ly(d) Spir(e)ite(hihd.,) <was(fe) in(f)c>ar(hi)nate(h.,) of(i) <c>the(k) <c>Vir(j)<c>gin(h) <c>Ma(i.)<c>ry,(h.;) <c>and(d) <c>be(f)<c>came(gxfg) <c>man.(gxfgh.) <v>\\grecross</v>(::) For(f) our(gxeg) sake(fded_) He(d) was(e) cru(f)ci(gxg)fied(hih.,) un(h)der(h) Pon(i)tius(gxg) Pi(h)late,(f.,) He(h) suf(f)fered(d) death(gxg) and(f) was(d) bu(e.)ried,(d.::) and(h) rose(h) a(h)gain(i) on(h) the(h) third(gxfg) day(h.,) in(d) ac(d)cor(e)dance(e) with(f) the(gxg) Scrip(e.)tures.(d.::) He(d) as(f)cend(hi)ed(j) in(k)to(k) hea(jhi)ven(h.;) and(h) is(h) sea(h)ted(h) at(h) the(h) right(f) hand(f) of(gxg)the(g) Fa(fde)ther.(d.::) He(h) will(h) come(f) a(f)gain(d) in(e) glo(fe)ry,(d,) to(h) judge(i) the(k) li(j)ving(h) and(i) the(i) dead(h.;) and(h) His(h) king(f)dom(d) will(gxg) have(f) no(e.) end.(d.::) I(k) be(k)lieve(i) in(i) the(k) Ho(h)ly(h) Spir(i.)it,(h.,) the(d) Lord,(f.) the(h) giv(h)er(h) of(i) life,(h.;) who(h) pro(gxg)ceeds(h) from(f) the(g) Fa(e)ther(f) and(gxgf) the(fd) Son,(ed..::) who(d) with(f) the(h) Fa(h)ther(f) and(gxg) the(f) Son(h.,) is(ih) a(kj)dored,(ih..,) and(d) glo(f)ri(h)fied,(hih.;) who(h) has(h) spo(f)ken(f) through(d) the(gxg) pro(fde)phets.(d.::) I(h) be(h)lieve(h) in(h) One,(h.) Ho(f)ly,(f.) Ca(d)tho(e)lic(d.,) and(h) A(h)pos(h)to(i)lic(gxg) Church.(hf..::) I(h) con(ij)fess(k) one(ik) Bap(jh)ti(i)sm(h.,) for(f) the(e) for(fh)give(gxg)ness(f) of(ef) sins(ed..::) and(h) I(h) look(f) for(d)ward(d.) to(h) the(h) res(h)ur(h)rec(i)tion(h) of(gxg) the(f) dead(gf..::) and(k) the(ji) life(h) of(f) the(i) world(h) to(gxfg) come.(h.::) A(hvFDeed. gxkvJHiihfg hd eed)men.(d.::)"