Updates in the last 15 days by Hank Igitur
- Credo III
Removed <c> from "and by the Holy Spirit..." and replaced them with crosses at the beginning and end of the verse. Removed first note in "of all things", unnecessary. Rearranged a few notes to become more pleasant to the English ear.
- Credo III
Correction: "I(h) be(f)lieve(d) in(d) one(e) Lord(f.) Je(gxgh)sus(f) Christ,(d.,)" -> "I(h) be(h)lieve(f) in(f) one(d) Lord(e.) Je(gxfg)sus(e) Christ,(d.,)"
- Credo III
dded spaces between under, Pontius, and Pilate. Corrected notation mistake: "third(gxgh) day(i.)" -> "third(gxfg) day(h.)"