Updates in the last 15 days
- Te decet laus (alter tonus)
Added to the database (Br. Bernard Delgado-Braun OSB) - Alleluia (per annum)
Added to the database (Br. Bernard Delgado-Braun OSB) - Benedicamus Domino (In Festis Duplicibus Majoribus ad Vesperas)
fixed clef and added version (Br. Bernard Delgado-Braun OSB) - Benedicamus Domino (In Festis Duplicibus Majoribus ad Laudes)
fixed clef (Br. Bernard Delgado-Braun OSB) - Amavit eum Dominus (Resp. Br.)
removed unnecessary accent marks on two-syllable words and shortened responses to match source (Br. Bernard Delgado-Braun OSB)
- Aeterne rerum Conditor
fixed incipit (Br. Bernard Delgado-Braun OSB) - Credo III
Removed <c> from "and by the Holy Spirit..." and replaced them with crosses at the beginning and end of the verse. Removed first note in "of all things", unnecessary. Rearranged a few notes to become more pleasant to the English ear. (Hank Igitur)
- Jubilate Domino
Added to the database (Br. Bernard Delgado-Braun OSB) - Rerum Creator optime
Spelling of tollimus, v. 3 (gdweber)
- Benedicamus Domino (in Dominicis per annum)
Added to the database (Br. Bernard Delgado-Braun OSB) - Magnus Dominus noster
fixed incipit (Br. Bernard Delgado-Braun OSB) - Petrus beatus
Dots and episemas added (LHP)
- In Deo speravi
added usage (Br. Bernard Delgado-Braun OSB) - In Deo speravi
added mode and ending (Br. Bernard Delgado-Braun OSB) - In Deo speravi
Added to the database (Br. Bernard Delgado-Braun OSB) - In loco pascuae
fixed version title (Br. Bernard Delgado-Braun OSB) - In loco pascuae
fixed ictus on "col" (Br. Bernard Delgado-Braun OSB) - In loco pascuae
Added to the database (Br. Bernard Delgado-Braun OSB) - Ecce venio
Added to the database (Br. Bernard Delgado-Braun OSB)
- Ecce sic benedicitur (Spanish)
Improving adaptation (CantorCole) - Ecce sic benedicitur (Spanish)
Improving adaptation (CantorCole) - Uxor Tua (Spanish)
Improving adaptation (CantorCole) - Deus Israel
Improving adaptation (CantorCole) - O lux beata Trinitas
(iaquobus) - O lux beata Trinitas
Added to the database (iaquobus) - Sacrata nobis gaudia
Sacráta --> SAcráta (Steven van Roode)
- Sacrata nobis gaudia
Accents added and beginning of v. 3 corrected (LHP)
- Regem Martyrum Dominum
moved comma after Dominum and updated remark (Br. Bernard Delgado-Braun OSB) - Regem Martyrum Dominum
capitalized E in first syllable (Br. Bernard Delgado-Braun OSB) - Credo I
Added to Kyriale (harrypnh) - Credo I
Added to the database (harrypnh) - Fontem Sapientiæ Dominum
made "n" lowercase in first syllable (Br. Bernard Delgado-Braun OSB) - Jesu Redemptor omnium
capitalized E in "Jesu" at the beginning (Br. Bernard Delgado-Braun OSB) - Benedicamus V
Added to the database (harrypnh) - Ite V
Added to the database (harrypnh) - Kyrie V
Capitalise the first word (harrypnh) - Agnus Dei V
Added to the database (harrypnh) - Agnus Dei V
Added to the database (harrypnh) - Gloria V
Capitalise the first word (harrypnh) - Sanctus V
Added to the database (harrypnh)
- Regem Martyrum Dominum
Added to the database (Br. Bernard Delgado-Braun OSB) - Christus factus est
Improving adaptation (CantorCole) - Fontem Sapientiæ Dominum
anonymized possible origin (Br. Bernard Delgado-Braun OSB) - Christus factus est
Improving adaptation (CantorCole) - Christus factus est
Improving adaptation (CantorCole) - Te dicimus praeconio intacta mater
V. 4 pitch correction of "opprobrium" (gdweber) - Te dicimus praeconio intacta mater
V. 4 no --> nos (gdweber) - Christus factus est
Added to the database (CantorCole) - Mittat Vobis
Improving adaptation (CantorCole)
- Credo III
Correction: "I(h) be(f)lieve(d) in(d) one(e) Lord(f.) Je(gxgh)sus(f) Christ,(d.,)" -> "I(h) be(h)lieve(f) in(f) one(d) Lord(e.) Je(gxfg)sus(e) Christ,(d.,)" (Hank Igitur) - Gloria V
Added to the database (harrypnh) - Kyrie V
Keep original notations (harrypnh) - Kyrie V
Make the gap of the notes narrower at the 7th verse. (harrypnh) - Kyrie V
Added to the database (harrypnh) - O Doctor Optime (nomina doctorum)
reverted to working code (Br. Bernard Delgado-Braun OSB) - O Doctor Optime (nomina doctorum)
(Br. Bernard Delgado-Braun OSB) - O Doctor Optime (nomina doctorum)
messing around trying to get it look nice in gregobase (Br. Bernard Delgado-Braun OSB) - O Doctor Optime (nomina doctorum)
Added to the database (Br. Bernard Delgado-Braun OSB) - Miserere mei Deus (Pro Exercitiis Spiritualibus)
(blablapro) - Miserere mei Deus (Pro Exercitiis Spiritualibus)
(blablapro) - Miserere mei Deus (Pro Exercitiis Spiritualibus)
Added to the database (blablapro) - Miserere mei Deus (Pro Exercitiis Spiritualibus)
Added to the database (blablapro) - Mittat Vobis
Improving adaptation (CantorCole)
- Cum Sanctus Benedictus post triduum
my error! (Nikolai Gerstner) - Cum Sanctus Benedictus post triduum
Differentia (Nikolai Gerstner) - Cum Sanctus Benedictus post triduum
(Nikolai Gerstner) - Loquamur nunc usque mane
Differentia (Nikolai Gerstner) - Loquamur nunc usque mane
Differentia (Nikolai Gerstner) - Ecce te rogavi
Differentia (Nikolai Gerstner) - Parcat tibi soror
Differentia (Nikolai Gerstner) - Egredere modo frater
Differentia (Nikolai Gerstner) - Credo III
dded spaces between under, Pontius, and Pilate. Corrected notation mistake: "third(gxgh) day(i.)" -> "third(gxfg) day(h.)" (Hank Igitur)
- Iste Confessor (Pro Doctoribus)
changed consonant i's to j's to match source (Br. Bernard Delgado-Braun OSB) - Fontem Sapientiæ Dominum
Added to the database (Br. Bernard Delgado-Braun OSB) - Credo III
XVII. -> VIII. (Hank Igitur) - Credo III
removed the ending letter (unnecessary and incorrect) (Hank Igitur) - Credo III
replaced the lines with spaces so the coding should work on this website now (Hank Igitur) - Credo III
(Hank Igitur) - Credo III
Added to the database (Hank Igitur)
- Benedicamus Domino (In Festis Duplicibus Majoribus ad Vesperas)
Added to the database (Br. Bernard Delgado-Braun OSB)