Category Archives: Uncategorized

6 years later…

… I finally updated to gregorio 5.2.1. so you can start adding nabc as well. I recently added a bunch of new sources and I’ve also added SVG support. As you might have noticed, in the last 6 years, Andrew Hinkley did typeset a few thousand more tunes… Now that the database has passed 14000 […]

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Happy New Year 2015!

And this year starts with a new present from Andrew Hinkley who did typeset pretty much the whole Dominican Graduale and Antiphonarium. That is more than 2500 new chants in the database !!!

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Let’s bring it live

Since it’s getting pretty useful already, let’s bring the database to the wild world. It’s still a work in progress so it will change and (hopefully) improve but so will its content too. Now you can bookmark and publicize it if you like to.

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Take part to the project!

The editing interface should be now useable… Try it and help making it better!

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This is a beginning…

Here comes a first preview of a database of gregorian scores. It’s meant to be merged with The Caecilia Project (since it’s where most of the content comes from) but the developement is still in a very early stage. I would call it pre-alpha as it’s still far from being feature complete and there are […]

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